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cal·cu·lus C0030500 (kăl′kyə-ləs)n. pl. cal·cu·li (-lī′) or cal·cu·lus·es 1. Medicine An abnormal concretion in the body, usually formed of mineral salts and found in the gallbladder, kidney, or urinary bladder, for example.2. Dentistry See tartar.3. Mathematics a. The branch of mathematics that deals with limits and the differentiation and integration of functions of one or more variables.b. A method of analysis or calculation using a special symbolic notation.c. The combined mathematics of differential calculus and integral calculus.4. A system or method of calculation: "[a] dazzling grasp of the nation's byzantine budget calculus" (David M. Alpern). [Latin, small stone used in reckoning; see calculate.]Calculi
Calculi (also concretions or stones), solid masses in the hollow organs and glandular ducts of man. Calculi may be of different sizes, shapes, and consistencies. The chemical composition varies with the place where they are formed and with the composition of the fluid in which lithogenesis (formation of stones) takes place. Calculi in the gall bladder and bile ducts consist of cholesterol, bile pigments, calcium phosphate, and calcium carbonate; urinary calculi are formed in the urinary tract and are divided according to the acid radicals into urates (the commonest type), oxalates, phosphates, and carbonates. Urinary calculi may contain xanthine, cystine, indigo, sulfur, soap, and cholesterol. The causes of calculi formation may be general (for example, disturbance of metabolism or pregnancy) or local (change in the chemical composition of a secretion, specifically, its protective colloids and pH, stagnation of a secretion, inflammation). Lithogenesis is most often caused by a combination of these factors. The formation of biliary and urinary calculi is the basis of cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, respectively. calculi
calculus [kal´ku-lus] (pl. cal´culi) (L.) an abnormal concretion, usually composed of mineral salts, occurring within the body, chiefly in hollow organs or their passages. Called also stone. See also kidney stone" >kidney stone and gallstone" >gallstone. adj., adj cal´culous.biliary calculus gallstone.bladder calculus vesical calculus.bronchial calculus broncholith.calcium oxalate calculus oxalate calculus.dental calculus a hard, stonelike concretion, varying in color from creamy yellow to black, that forms on the teeth or dental prostheses through calcification of plaque" >dental plaque; it begins as a yellowish film formed of calcium phosphate and carbonate, food particles, and other organic matter that is deposited on the teeth by the saliva. It should be removed regularly by a dentist or dental hygienist; if neglected, it can cause bacteria to lodge between the gums and the teeth, causing gum infection, dental caries, loosening of the teeth, and other disorders. Called also tartar.gastric calculus gastrolith.intestinal calculus enterolith.lung calculus a hard mass or concretion formed in the bronchi around a small center of inorganic material, or from calcified portions of lung tissue or adjacent lymph nodes. Called also pneumolith.mammary calculus a concretion in one of the lactiferous ducts.nasal calculus rhinolith.oxalate calculus a hard urinary calculus of calcium oxalate" >calcium oxalate; some are covered with minute sharp spines that may abrade the renal pelvic epithelium, and others are smooth. Called also calcium oxalate calculus.phosphate calculus a urinary calculus composed of a phosphate along with calcium oxalate and ammonium urate; it may be hard, soft, or friable, and so large that it may fill the renal pelvis and calices.prostatic calculus a concretion formed in the prostate, chiefly of calcium carbonate and phosphate. Called also prostatolith.renal calculus kidney stone.staghorn calculus a urinary calculus, usually a phosphate calculus, found in the pelvis" >renal pelvis and shaped like the antlers of a stag because it extends into multiple calices.urate calculus uric acid calculus.urethral calculus a urinary calculus in the urethra; symptoms vary according to the patient's sex and the site of lodgment.uric acid calculus a hard, yellow or reddish-yellow urinary calculus formed from uric acid.urinary calculus a calculus in any part of the tract" >urinary tract; it is vesical when lodged in the bladder and renal (see kidney stone" >kidney stone) when in the pelvis" >renal pelvis. Common types named for their primary components are oxalate calculi, phosphate calculi, and uric acid calculi. Called also urolith.uterine calculus any kind of concretion in the uterus, such as a calcified myoma. Called also hysterolith and uterolith.vesical calculus a urinary calculus in the urinary bladder. Called also bladder calculus.cal·cu·li (kal'kyū-lī), Plural of calculus.calculi Plural of calculus, see there.cal·cu·li (kal'kyū-lī) Plural of calculus. Calculi (singular, calculus)Mineral deposits that can form a blockage in the urinary system.Mentioned in: Urinary IncontinencePatient discussion about calculiQ. Why do i get kidney stones? I am 38 and have had three stones pass so far. Is it the coffee, the meat, the stress, or the damned DNA?! My uncle is in his 50s and has passed over 30 stones!A. Kidney stones are very common and even without the genetic or familial background people tend to get them. Of course, the more family predisposition you have, the higher are your chances of developing them, which is probably why you did. Also, a diet rich with dairy and calcium can cause your body to store excess calcium, that tends to calcify and create stones. Not drinking enough fluid is also one of the reasons. Q. how do i cure tonsil stones (tonsiloth)? A. There are very little literature about this subject, but I heard about treatment in which the crypts (deep and narrow grooves on the tongue in which the stones form) are burned with laser. As far as I know these stones don't cause damage by themselves so it's not such a common treatment. You may read more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonsillolith
Q. Would kidney stones affect a PSA reading? Would drinking lots of grapefruit juice affect a PSA reading? My husband's PSA reading jumped from a 4.2 to a 17 in @ 2 years' time. How can that be? This man takes all sorts of supplements and really watches his diet. He also takes good care of his body, and does NOT look or act 68.A. You should get your parathyroid gland checked out. Your calcium level might be causing the kidney stones. More discussions about calculiThesaurusSeecalculus |