Colonial Pemaquid State Historic Site
Colonial Pemaquid State Historic Site
Location:4 miles on ME 129 from Damariscotta, then 9 miles on ME 130 and bear right 1 mile.
Facilities:Museum, historic buildings, picnic area, snack bar, boat launch. Open Memorial Day through Labor Day.
Activities:Guided tours (in summer); fishing.
Special Features:Archeological excavations have unearthed 14 foundations of 17th- and18th-century structures and the officers' quarters for Fort WilliamHenry and Fort Frederick. A museum at the site displays hundreds ofartifacts found there, dating from prehistoric times through thecolonial period. Musket balls, old coins, pottery, and early hardwareare among items of interest. The site includes a reconstruction of FortWilliam Henry, which also houses museum exhibits.
Address:PO Box 117
New Harbor, ME 04554
Size: 19 acres.
See other parks in Maine.