


a country in the extreme northeastern European part of Russia, famous for its furs, silver, and mammoth bones. It is well known from Scandinavian and Russian legends of the 9th—13th centuries. Some historians consider Biarmiia, or Biarmaland, to be the Scandinavian name for the shore of the White Sea located in the Dvina region. Others identify Biarmiia with “Great Perm’.”


Kuznetsov, S. K. “K voprosu o Biarmii.” Etnograficheskoe obozrenie, 1905, nos. 2–3.
Sobolevskii, A. “Drevniaia Perm’.” In the collection Izv. Obshchestva arkheologii, istorii i etnografii pri Kazanskom gosudarstvennom universitete, vol. 34, issues 3–4. Kazan, 1929.