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DictionarySeeintravenous pyelographyExcretory Urography
Urography, Excretory (also called descending urography), roentgen examination of the kidneys and urinary tract after injection of an X-ray contrast medium such as methiodal sodium, which is excreted by the kidneys. The method makes it possible to determine the condition of the kidneys and urinary tract and is used to detect nephrolithiasis, renal tuberculosis, and other diseases. excretory urography
urography [u-rog´rah-fe] radiography of any part of the urinary tract.ascending urography (cystoscopic urography) retrograde urography.descending urography (excretion urography) (excretory urography) (intravenous urography) urography after intravenous injection of an opaque medium that is rapidly excreted in the urine.retrograde urography urography after injection of contrast medium into the bladder through the urethra.in·tra·ve·nous u·rog·ra·phy , excretory urographyradiography of kidneys, ureters, and bladder following injection of contrast medium into a peripheral vein.in·tra·ve·nous u·rog·ra·phy , excretory urography (in'tră-vē'nŭs yūr-og'ră-fē, eks'krĕ-tōr-ē) Radiography of kidneys, ureters, and bladder following injection of contrast medium into a peripheral vein. |