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den·dro·chro·nol·o·gy D0130000 (dĕn′drō-krə-nŏl′ə-jē)n. The study of climate changes and past events by comparing the successive annual growth rings of trees or old timber. den′dro·chron′o·log′i·cal (-krŏn′ə-lŏj′ĭ-kəl) adj.den′dro·chron′o·log′i·cal·ly adv.den′dro·chro·nol′o·gist n.dendrochronology (ˌdɛndrəʊkrəˈnɒlədʒɪ) n (Forestry) the study of the annual rings of trees, used esp to date past events dendrochronological adj ˌdendrochroˈnologist nden•dro•chro•nol•o•gy (ˌdɛn droʊ krəˈnɒl ə dʒi) n. the study of the annual rings of trees to determine the dates and chronology of past events. [1925–30] den`dro•chron`o•log′i•cal (-ˌkrɒn lˈɒdʒ ɪ kəl) adj. den`dro•chron`o•log′i•cal•ly, adv. den`dro•chro•nol′o•gist, n. den·dro·chro·nol·o·gy (dĕn′drō-krə-nŏl′ə-jē) The study of annual rings in trees in order to analyze past climate conditions or to determine the date of past events. Trees grow more slowly in periods of drought or other environmental stress than they do under more favorable conditions, and thus the annual rings they produce are smaller. By observing the pattern formed by a tree's rings, scientists can learn about the environmental changes that took place during the period in which it was growing. They can also match up the pattern in trees whose age is known to the pattern in a piece of wood found at an archaeological site, thereby establishing the approximate date of the site.dendrochronologythe science of fixing dates in the past by the study of growth rings in trees. — dendrochronologist, n. — dendrochronological, adj.See also: Time the study of annual rings in trees to determine their age, climatic and other conditions and changes that might have affected them, etc. — dendrochronologist, n. — dendrochronological, adj.See also: TreesdendrochronologyThe study of the annual rings of trees and the use of these in dating past events.Translationsdendrochronologiedendrocronologiadendrochronology
dendrochronology: see datingdating, the determination of the age of an object, of a natural phenomenon, or of a series of events. There are two basic types of dating methods, relative and absolute. ..... Click the link for more information. .dendrochronology[¦den·drō·krə′näl·ə·jē] (geology) The science of measuring time intervals and dating events and environmental changes by reading and dating growth layers of trees as demarcated by the annual rings. dendrochronologyThe dating of old timbers by the study of their annual ring patterns of growth.See dendrochronology
dendrochronology the study of ANNUAL RINGS in timber to calculate the age of the tree (often very precisely) and the climatic situation at the time of growth.FinancialSeeDatingThesaurusSeedating |