CVLConseil de la Vie Lycéenne (French: Board of High School Life)
CVLCervicovaginal Lavage
CVLChange Volume Label
CVLComputer Vision Library
CVLComputer Vision Laboratory
CVLCentre de Voile de l'Aber Wrac'h (French: Aber Wrac'h Sailing Center; Aber Wrac'h, France)
CVLCentral Venous Line
CVLLight Aircraft Carrier (US Navy ship designation)
CVLCreditors Voluntary Liquidation
CVLConseil de la Vie Locale (French: Council of Local Life)
CVLCertificat de Vente Libre (French: Certificate of Free Sale; exports)
CVLCercle de la Voile de Lyon (French sailing club)
CVLCopper Vapor Laser
CVLConstructions du Val de Loire (French construction company)
CVLClub Vélo Loisirs (French cycling club)
CVLColorado Virtual Library
CVLAircraft Carrier, Small (US Navy)
CVLClub de Voile de Langrune sur Mer (French sailing club)
CVLConservative Vice Lord (gangs)
CVLCompatibility View List (Microsoft Internet Explorer)
CVLCorrelation Velocity Log
CVLCarmel Valley Library (California)
CVLChromobacterium Viscosum Lipase
CVLCentral Veterinary Laboratories
CVLCoding Violation - Line (Telabs)
CVLCommercial Vehicle Lubricants
CVLCommunity Virtual Library (gaming)
CVLColecistectomia Videolaparoscopica
CVLControl Value List
CVLCercle Volley-Ball de Limoges (French volleyball club)
CVLCranial Vapor Lock (slang for doing something stupid)