

单词 fancy



F0030300 (făn′sē)adj. fan·ci·er, fan·ci·est 1. a. Highly decorated: a fancy hat.b. Complex or intricate: the fancy footwork of a figure skater.2. a. Elegantly fashionable or sophisticated: a fancy restaurant; a fancy way of asking for a loan.b. Of superior grade; fine: fancy preserves.3. Excessive or exorbitant: paid a fancy price for the car.4. Bred for unusual qualities or special points.n. pl. fan·cies 1. The mental faculty through which whims, visions, and fantasies are summoned up; imagination, especially of a whimsical or fantastic nature.2. Something imagined or invented by the mind: "As the fancies that kept crowding in upon him only made him more excited, he got out of bed and tried to think." (Sherwood Anderson).3. a. A capricious liking or inclination: I have a fancy for a glass of wine.b. A romantic liking or interest: She's taken a fancy to you.4. a. The enthusiasts or fans of a sport or pursuit considered as a group.b. The sport or pursuit, such as boxing, engaging the interest of such a group.tr.v. fan·cied, fan·cy·ing, fan·cies 1. a. To have a liking or enthusiasm for: fancies sports cars.b. To have a desire or inclination for: Would you fancy a cup of coffee?c. To take a romantic interest in (someone): Do you think he fancies her?2. To imagine or suppose: "I fancy she is an exceedingly proud woman" (Jane Austen).
[From Middle English fantsy, imagination, fantasy, from fantasie; see fantasy.]
fan′ci·ly adv.fan′ci·ness n.


(ˈfænsɪ) adj, -cier or -ciest1. not plain; ornamented or decorative: a fancy cake; fancy clothes. 2. requiring skill to perform; intricate: a fancy dance routine. 3. arising in the imagination; capricious or illusory4. (often used ironically) superior in quality or impressive: a fancy course in business administration. 5. higher than expected: fancy prices. 6. (Zoology) (of a domestic animal) bred for particular qualitiesn, pl -cies7. a sudden capricious idea; whim8. a sudden or irrational liking for a person or thing9. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) the power to conceive and represent decorative and novel imagery, esp in poetry. Fancy was held by Coleridge to be more casual and superficial than imagination. See imagination410. an idea or thing produced by this11. a mental image12. taste or judgment, as in art of dress13. (Classical Music) music Also called: fantasy or fantasia a composition for solo lute, keyboard, etc, current during the 16th and 17th centuries14. the fancy archaic those who follow a particular sport, esp prize fightingvb (tr) , -cies, -cying or -cied15. to picture in the imagination16. to suppose; imagine: I fancy it will rain. 17. (often used with a negative) to like: I don't fancy your chances!. 18. (reflexive) to have a high or ill-founded opinion of oneself: he fancied himself as a doctor. 19. informal to have a wish for; desire: she fancied some chocolate. 20. informal Brit to be physically attracted to (another person)21. (Zoology) to breed (animals) for particular characteristicsinterj Also: fancy that! an exclamation of surprise or disbelief[C15 fantsy, shortened from fantasie; see fantasy] ˈfancily adv ˈfanciness n


(ˈfæn si)

n., pl. -cies, n. 1. imagination or fantasy, esp. as exercised in a capricious manner. 2. the artistic ability of creating unreal or whimsical imagery, decorative detail, etc., as in poetry or drawing. 3. a mental conception; notion: happy fancies of being famous. 4. an idea or opinion with little foundation; illusion. 5. a caprice; whim. 6. inclination; a liking: to take a fancy to smoked oysters. 7. critical judgment; taste. 8. amorous inclination; love. 9. the fancy, Archaic. people deeply interested in a sport, art, etc. adj. 10. of superfine quality or exceptional appeal: fancy goods. 11. decorative: a cake with a fancy icing. 12. whimsical; irregular: a fancy conception of time. 13. costly; exorbitant: a consultant who charges fancy fees. v.t. 14. to picture to oneself; imagine. 15. to believe without being absolutely sure: I fancy you are my new neighbor. 16. to like. interj. 17. (used as an exclamation of mild surprise): They invited you, too? Fancy! [1350–1400; Middle English fan(t)sy, variant of fantasie fantasy] fan′ci•ness, n.


Past participle: fancied
Gerund: fancying
I fancy
you fancy
he/she/it fancies
we fancy
you fancy
they fancy
I fancied
you fancied
he/she/it fancied
we fancied
you fancied
they fancied
Present Continuous
I am fancying
you are fancying
he/she/it is fancying
we are fancying
you are fancying
they are fancying
Present Perfect
I have fancied
you have fancied
he/she/it has fancied
we have fancied
you have fancied
they have fancied
Past Continuous
I was fancying
you were fancying
he/she/it was fancying
we were fancying
you were fancying
they were fancying
Past Perfect
I had fancied
you had fancied
he/she/it had fancied
we had fancied
you had fancied
they had fancied
I will fancy
you will fancy
he/she/it will fancy
we will fancy
you will fancy
they will fancy
Future Perfect
I will have fancied
you will have fancied
he/she/it will have fancied
we will have fancied
you will have fancied
they will have fancied
Future Continuous
I will be fancying
you will be fancying
he/she/it will be fancying
we will be fancying
you will be fancying
they will be fancying
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been fancying
you have been fancying
he/she/it has been fancying
we have been fancying
you have been fancying
they have been fancying
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been fancying
you will have been fancying
he/she/it will have been fancying
we will have been fancying
you will have been fancying
they will have been fancying
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been fancying
you had been fancying
he/she/it had been fancying
we had been fancying
you had been fancying
they had been fancying
I would fancy
you would fancy
he/she/it would fancy
we would fancy
you would fancy
they would fancy
Past Conditional
I would have fancied
you would have fancied
he/she/it would have fancied
we would have fancied
you would have fancied
they would have fancied
Noun1.fancy - something many people believe that is falsefancy - something many people believe that is false; "they have the illusion that I am very wealthy"phantasy, illusion, fantasymisconception - an incorrect conceptionbubble - an impracticable and illusory idea; "he didn't want to burst the newcomer's bubble"ignis fatuus, will-o'-the-wisp - an illusion that misleadswishful thinking - the illusion that what you wish for is actually true
2.fancy - a kind of imagination that was held by Coleridge to be more casual and superficial than true imaginationimagination, imaginativeness, vision - the formation of a mental image of something that is not perceived as real and is not present to the senses; "popular imagination created a world of demons"; "imagination reveals what the world could be"
3.fancy - a predisposition to like somethingfancy - a predisposition to like something; "he had a fondness for whiskey"fondness, partialityliking - a feeling of pleasure and enjoyment; "I've always had a liking for reading"; "she developed a liking for gin"
Verb1.fancy - imaginefancy - imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind; "I can't see him on horseback!"; "I can see what will happen"; "I can see a risk in this strategy"envision, picture, visualize, image, visualise, figure, see, projectrealize, see, understand, realise - perceive (an idea or situation) mentally; "Now I see!"; "I just can't see your point"; "Does she realize how important this decision is?"; "I don't understand the idea"visualise, visualize - form a mental picture of something that is invisible or abstract; "Mathematicians often visualize"conceive of, envisage, ideate, imagine - form a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case; "Can you conceive of him as the president?"
2.fancy - have a fancy or particular liking or desire for; "She fancied a necklace that she had seen in the jeweler's window"take to, go fordesire, want - feel or have a desire for; want strongly; "I want to go home now"; "I want my own room"
Adj.1.fancy - not plain; decorative or ornamented; "fancy handwriting"; "fancy clothes"adorned, decorated - provided with something intended to increase its beauty or distinctionrhetorical - given to rhetoric, emphasizing style at the expense of thought; "mere rhetorical frippery"plain - not elaborate or elaborated; simple; "plain food"; "stuck to the plain facts"; "a plain blue suit"; "a plain rectangular brick building"


adjective1. elaborate, decorated, decorative, extravagant, intricate, baroque, ornamented, ornamental, ornate, elegant, fanciful, embellished It was packaged in a fancy plastic case with attractive graphics.
elaborate common, simple, basic, cheap, ordinary, plain, inferior, unadorned, unfussy, undecorated
2. expensive, high-quality, classy, flashy, swish (informal), showy, ostentatious They sent me to a fancy private school.
noun1. whim, thought, idea, desire, urge, notion, humour, impulse, inclination, caprice His interest was just a passing fancy.2. delusion, dream, vision, fantasy, nightmare, daydream, chimera, phantasm His book is a bold surrealist mixture of fact and fancy.verb1. wish for, want, desire, would like, hope for, dream of, relish, long for, crave, be attracted to, yearn for, thirst for, hanker after, have a yen for I just fancied a drink. Informal2. be attracted to, find attractive, desire, lust after, like, prefer, favour, take to, go for, be captivated by, have an eye for, have a thing about (informal), have eyes for, take a liking to I think he thinks I fancy him.3. suppose, think, believe, imagine, guess (informal, chiefly U.S. & Canad.), reckon, conceive, infer, conjecture, surmise, think likely, be inclined to think She fancied he was trying to hide a smile.fancy yourself think you are God's gift, have a high opinion of yourself, think you are the cat's whiskers She really fancies herself in that new outfit.take a fancy to something or someone start liking, like, want, be fond of, hanker after, have a partiality for Sylvia took quite a fancy to him.Quotations
"Ever let the fancy roam,"
"Pleasure never is at home" [John Keats Fancy]
"Tell me where is fancy bred,"
"Or in the heart or in the head?" [William Shakespeare The Merchant of Venice]


noun1. The power of the mind to form images:fantasy, imagination, imaginativeness.2. An illusory mental image:daydream, dream, fantasy, fiction, figment, illusion, phantasm, phantasma, reverie, vision.3. An impulsive, often illogical turn of mind:bee, boutade, caprice, conceit, freak, humor, impulse, megrim, notion, vagary, whim, whimsy.Idiom: bee in one's bonnet.4. A desire for a particular thing or activity:liking, mind, pleasure, will.5. The passionate affection and desire felt by lovers for each other:amorousness, love, passion, romance.adjective1. Appealing to fancy:fanciful, fantastic, fantastical, imaginative, whimsical.2. Complexly detailed:complicated, elaborate, intricate.3. Catering to, used by, or admitting only the wealthy or socially superior:exclusive, posh, swank, swanky.Informal: ritzy.verb1. To form mental images of:conceive, envisage, envision, fantasize, image, imagine, picture, see, think, vision, visualize.Informal: feature.2. To find agreeable:like, take to.Chiefly British: conceit.


(ˈfӕnsi) plural ˈfancies noun1. a sudden (often unexpected) liking or desire. The child had many peculiar fancies. 一時喜好,一時興起 (常为一时的)爱好,迷恋 2. the power of the mind to imagine things. She had a tendency to indulge in flights of fancy. 想像力,胡思亂想 想象力,异想天开 3. something imagined. He had a sudden fancy that he could see Spring approaching. 設想 设想 adjective decorated; not plain. fancy cakes. 花式的,奇特的 花式的,奇特的 verb1. to like the idea of having or doing something. I fancy a cup of tea. 喜愛,想要 喜爱2. to think or have a certain feeling or impression (that). I fancied (that) you were angry. 認為,猜想 认为3. to have strong sexual interest in (a person). He fancies her a lot. 迷戀 迷恋ˈfanciful adjective1. inclined to have fancies, especially strange, unreal ideas. She's a very fanciful girl. 愛幻想的 爱空想的2. imaginary or unreal. That idea is rather fanciful. 異想天開的 异想天开的ˈfancifully adverb 異想天開地 异想天开地fancy dress clothes representing a particular character, nationality, historical period etc: He went to the party in fancy dress; (also adjective) a fancy-dress party. 奇裝異服(化裝舞會等穿的) 化装舞会所穿着的服装take a fancy to to become fond of, often suddenly or unexpectedly. They bought that house because they took a fancy to it. 喜歡上(尤指突然地) (忽然)爱上 take one's fancy to be liked or wanted by (someone). When I go shopping I just buy anything that takes my fancy. 被某人喜歡上或看中 迎合某人的爱好


奇特的zhCN, 想象zhCN


  • a flight of fancy
  • a passing fancy
  • as, whenever, etc. the fancy takes you
  • be footloose and fancy-free
  • catch (someone's) fancy
  • catch/take/tickle somebody's fancy
  • fancy (one's) chances
  • fancy (someone or oneself) as (something)
  • fancy as
  • fancy chances
  • fancy footwork
  • Fancy meeting you here!
  • fancy that
  • Fancy that!
  • fancy your chances
  • fancy your/somebody's chances
  • fancy-pants
  • fancy-schmancy
  • flight of fancy
  • footloose and fancy free
  • footloose and fancy-free
  • I don't fancy yours (much)
  • strike (one's) fancy
  • strike fancy
  • suit (one's) fancy
  • suit fancy
  • take (one's) fancy
  • take a fancy to
  • take a fancy to (someone or something)
  • take a fancy to somebody/something
  • tickle (one's) fancy
  • tickle fancy
  • tickle one's fancy
  • whenever the fancy takes (one)



1. (of a domestic animal) bred for particular qualities 2. Lit the power to conceive and represent decorative and novel imagery, esp in poetry. Fancy was held by Coleridge to be more casual and superficial than imagination 3. Music a composition for solo lute, keyboard, etc., current during the 16th and 17th centuries


  • all
  • adj
  • noun
  • verb
  • phrase

Synonyms for fancy

adj elaborate


  • elaborate
  • decorated
  • decorative
  • extravagant
  • intricate
  • baroque
  • ornamented
  • ornamental
  • ornate
  • elegant
  • fanciful
  • embellished


  • common
  • simple
  • basic
  • cheap
  • ordinary
  • plain
  • inferior
  • unadorned
  • unfussy
  • undecorated

adj expensive


  • expensive
  • high-quality
  • classy
  • flashy
  • swish
  • showy
  • ostentatious

noun whim


  • whim
  • thought
  • idea
  • desire
  • urge
  • notion
  • humour
  • impulse
  • inclination
  • caprice

noun delusion


  • delusion
  • dream
  • vision
  • fantasy
  • nightmare
  • daydream
  • chimera
  • phantasm

verb wish for


  • wish for
  • want
  • desire
  • would like
  • hope for
  • dream of
  • relish
  • long for
  • crave
  • be attracted to
  • yearn for
  • thirst for
  • hanker after
  • have a yen for

verb be attracted to


  • be attracted to
  • find attractive
  • desire
  • lust after
  • like
  • prefer
  • favour
  • take to
  • go for
  • be captivated by
  • have an eye for
  • have a thing about
  • have eyes for
  • take a liking to

verb suppose


  • suppose
  • think
  • believe
  • imagine
  • guess
  • reckon
  • conceive
  • infer
  • conjecture
  • surmise
  • think likely
  • be inclined to think

phrase fancy yourself


  • think you are God's gift
  • have a high opinion of yourself
  • think you are the cat's whiskers

phrase take a fancy to something or someone


  • start liking
  • like
  • want
  • be fond of
  • hanker after
  • have a partiality for

Synonyms for fancy

noun the power of the mind to form images


  • fantasy
  • imagination
  • imaginativeness

noun an illusory mental image


  • daydream
  • dream
  • fantasy
  • fiction
  • figment
  • illusion
  • phantasm
  • phantasma
  • reverie
  • vision

noun an impulsive, often illogical turn of mind


  • bee
  • boutade
  • caprice
  • conceit
  • freak
  • humor
  • impulse
  • megrim
  • notion
  • vagary
  • whim
  • whimsy

noun a desire for a particular thing or activity


  • liking
  • mind
  • pleasure
  • will

noun the passionate affection and desire felt by lovers for each other


  • amorousness
  • love
  • passion
  • romance

adj appealing to fancy


  • fanciful
  • fantastic
  • fantastical
  • imaginative
  • whimsical

adj complexly detailed


  • complicated
  • elaborate
  • intricate

adj catering to, used by, or admitting only the wealthy or socially superior


  • exclusive
  • posh
  • swank
  • swanky
  • ritzy

verb to form mental images of


  • conceive
  • envisage
  • envision
  • fantasize
  • image
  • imagine
  • picture
  • see
  • think
  • vision
  • visualize
  • feature

verb to find agreeable


  • like
  • take to
  • conceit

Synonyms for fancy

noun something many people believe that is false


  • phantasy
  • illusion
  • fantasy

Related Words

  • misconception
  • bubble
  • ignis fatuus
  • will-o'-the-wisp
  • wishful thinking

noun a kind of imagination that was held by Coleridge to be more casual and superficial than true imagination

Related Words

  • imagination
  • imaginativeness
  • vision

noun a predisposition to like something


  • fondness
  • partiality

Related Words

  • liking

verb imagine


  • envision
  • picture
  • visualize
  • image
  • visualise
  • figure
  • see
  • project

Related Words

  • realize
  • see
  • understand
  • realise
  • visualise
  • visualize
  • conceive of
  • envisage
  • ideate
  • imagine

verb have a fancy or particular liking or desire for


  • take to
  • go for

Related Words

  • desire
  • want

adj not plain

Related Words

  • adorned
  • decorated
  • rhetorical


  • plain




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