calcium carbonate
calcium carbonate
calcium carbonate
cal′cium car′bonate
calcium carbonate
Noun | 1. | calcium carbonate - a salt found in nature as chalk or calcite or aragonite or limestone |
单词 | calcium carbonate | |||
释义 | calcium carbonatecalcium carbonatecalcium carbonatecal′cium car′bonaten. calcium carbonate
calcium carbonatecalcium carbonate,CaCO3, white chemical compound that is the most common nonsiliceous mineral. It occurs in two crystal forms: calcite, which is hexagonal, and aragonite, which is rhombohedral. Calcium carbonate is largely insoluble in water but is quite soluble in water containing dissolved carbon dioxide, combining with it to form the bicarbonate Ca(HCO3)2. Such reactions on limestonelimestone,sedimentary rock wholly or in large part composed of calcium carbonate. It is ordinarily white but may be colored by impurities, iron oxide making it brown, yellow, or red and carbon making it blue, black, or gray. The texture varies from coarse to fine. ..... Click the link for more information. (which is mainly composed of calcite) account for the formation of stalactites and stalagmites in caves. Iceland spar is a pure form of calcium carbonate and exhibits birefringence, or double refractionrefraction, in physics, deflection of a wave on passing obliquely from one transparent medium into a second medium in which its speed is different, as the passage of a light ray from air into glass. ..... Click the link for more information. . Calcium CarbonateCaCO3, a salt. Calcium carbonate occurs in nature in two mineral forms with differing crystalline structures: aragonite and the widely distributed calcite. Calcium carbonate decomposes when heated above 900°C: CaCO3 = CaO + CO2 (a means of obtaining lime). It is sparingly soluble in water (14 mg calcite per liter at 18°C) and readily soluble in acids. Natural calcium carbonate (limestone, marble) is used as a construction material; chalk (powdered calcium carbonate) serves as a filler for rubber stock, paper, and linoleum. A softer and finer product, called precipitated calcium carbonate (obtained through the reaction of CaCl2 and Na2CO3), is used in the manufacture of tooth powderand cosmetics. calcium carbonate[′kal·sē·əm ′kär·bə‚nāt]calcium carbonatecalcium carbonatecalcium carbonatecalcium(Ca) [kal´se-um]Within the body fluids calcium exists in three forms. Protein-bound calcium accounts for about 47 per cent of the calcium in plasma; most of it in this form is bound to albumin. Another 47 per cent of plasma calcium is ionized. About 6 per cent is complexed with phosphate, citrate, and other anions. Ionized calcium is physiologically active. One of its most important physiological functions is control of the permeability of cell membranes. Parathyroid hormone, which causes transfer of exchangeable calcium from bone into the blood stream, maintains calcium homeostasis by preventing either calcium deficit or excess. Hypercalcemia: This is when the level of serum calcium rises above normal; neuromuscular activity begins to diminish. Symptoms include lethargy, muscle weakness (which, as the level of calcium increases, can progress to depressed reflexes and hypotonic muscles), constipation, mental confusion, and coma. The heartbeat also slows, which potentiates the effects of digitalis. Hypocalcemia: This is a serum level of calcium that is below normal; it is manifested by increased neuromuscular irritability. When there is a deficit of ionized calcium, the nerve cells become more permeable, allowing leakage of sodium and potassium from the cells. This produces excitation of the nerve fibers and triggers uncontrollable activity of the skeletal muscles. Hence, as the calcium level continues to drop, the patient begins to experience muscle twitching and cramping, grimacing, and carpopedal spasm, which can quickly progress to tetany, laryngospasm, convulsions, cardiac arrhythmias, and eventually to respiratory and cardiac arrest. Relatively early signs of hypocalcemia are a positive trousseau's sign and a positive chvostek's sign. Dietary sources of calcium include dairy products (such as milk and cheese), soybeans, fortified orange juice, dark green leafy vegetables (such as mustard greens and broccoli), sardines, clams, and oysters. The allowance" >recommended dietary allowance of calcium for children aged 4 to 8 is 800 mg, and that for women aged 50 to 70 is 1200 mg. (See tables in the Appendices for recommended dietary allowances across the life span.) It is difficult to meet these requirements without including milk or milk products in the daily diet. The most familiar calcium deficiency disease is rickets, in which the bones and teeth soften. However, it is believed that a large number of people suffer from subclinical calcium deficiency because of poor eating habits. Since calcium is essential to the formation and maintenance of strong bones, an adequate intake is important in the prevention of osteoporosis. ![]() calcium acetatecalcium carbonatecalcium chloridecalcium citratecalcium gluconatecalcium lactatetricalcium phosphatePharmacologic class: Mineral Therapeutic class: Dietary supplement, electrolyte replacement agent Pregnancy risk category C (calcium acetate, chloride, glubionate, gluceptate, phosphate), NR (calcium carbonate, citrate, gluconate, lactate) ActionIncreases serum calcium level through direct effects on bone, kidney, and GI tract. Decreases osteoclastic osteolysis by reducing mineral release and collagen breakdown in bone. AvailabilityCalcium acetate- Gelcaps: 667 mg Tablets: 667 mg Calcium carbonate- Capsules: 1,250 mg Lozenges: 600 mg Oral suspension: 1,250 mg Powder: 6.5 g Tablets: 650 mg, 1,250 mg, 1,500 mg Tablets (chewable): 750 mg, 1,000 mg, 1,250 mg Tablets (gum): 300 mg, 450 mg, 500 mg Calcium chloride- Injection: 10% solution Calcium citrate- Tablets: 950 mg Calcium gluceptate- Injection: 22% solution Calcium gluconate- Injection: 10% solution Tablets: 500 mg, 650 mg, 975 mg Calcium lactate- Tablets: 325 mg, 650 mg Tricalcium phosphate- Tablets: 600 mg Indications and dosages➣ Hypocalcemic emergency Adults: 7 to 14 mEq I.V. of 10% calcium gluconate solution, 2% to 10% calcium chloride solution, or 22% calcium gluceptate solution Children: 1 to 7 mEq calcium gluconate I.V. Infants: Up to 1 mEq calcium gluconate I.V. ➣ Hypocalcemic tetany Adults: 4.5 to 16 mEq calcium gluconate I.V., repeated as indicated until tetany is controlled Children: 0.5 to 0.7 mEq/kg calcium gluconate I.V. three to four times daily as indicated until tetany is controlled Neonates: 2.4 mEq/kg calcium gluconate I.V. daily in divided doses ➣ Cardiac arrest Adults: 0.027 to 0.054 mEq/kg calcium chloride I.V., 4.5 to 6.3 mEq calcium gluceptate I.V., or 2.3 to 3.7 mEq calcium gluconate I.V. Children: 0.27 mEq/kg calcium chloride I.V., repeated in 10 minutes if needed. Check calcium level before giving additional doses. ➣ Magnesium intoxication Adults: Initially, 7 mEq I.V.; subsequent dosages based on patient response ➣ Exchange transfusions Adults: 1.35 mEq calcium gluconate I.V. with each 100 ml of citrated blood ➣ Hyperphosphatemia in patients with end-stage renal disease Adults: Two tablets P.O. daily, given in divided doses t.i.d. with meals. May increase gradually to bring serum phosphate level below 6 mg/dl, provided hypercalcemia doesn't develop. ➣ Dietary supplement Adults: 500 mg to 2 g P.O. daily Off-label uses• Osteoporosis Contraindications• Hypersensitivity to drug • Ventricular fibrillation • Hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia • Cancer • Renal calculi • Pregnancy or breastfeeding PrecautionsUse cautiously in: • renal insufficiency, pernicious anemia, heart disease, sarcoidosis, hyperparathyroidism, hypoparathyroidism • history of renal calculi • children. AdministrationSee When infusing I.V., don't exceed a rate of 200 mg/minute. • Keep patient supine for 15 minutes after I.V. administration to prevent orthostatic hypotension. • Administer P.O. doses 1 to 1½ hours after meals. • Know that I.M. or subcutaneous administration is never recommended. • Be aware that I.V. route is preferred in children. • Be alert for extravasation, which causes tissue necrosis. ![]() Adverse reactionsCNS: headache, weakness, dizziness, syncope, paresthesia CV: mild blood pressure decrease, bradycardia, arrhythmias, cardiac arrest (with rapid I.V. injection) GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, epigastric pain or discomfort GU: urinary frequency, renal calculi Metabolic: hypercalcemia Musculoskeletal: joint pain, back pain Respiratory: dyspnea Skin: rash Other: altered or chalky taste, excessive thirst, allergic reactions (including facial flushing, swelling, tingling, tenderness in hands, and anaphylaxis) InteractionsDrug-drug. Atenolol, fluoroquinolones, tetracycline: decreased bioavailability of these drugs Calcium channel blockers: decreased calcium effects Cardiac glycosides: increased risk of cardiac glycoside toxicity Iron salts: decreased iron absorption Sodium polystyrene sulfonate: metabolic alkalosis Verapamil: reversal of verapamil effects Drug-diagnostic tests. Calcium: increased level Drug-food. Foods containing oxalic acid (such as spinach), phytic acid (such as whole grain cereal), or phosphorus (such as dairy products): interference with calcium absorption Patient monitoring• Monitor calcium levels frequently, especially in elderly patients. Patient teaching• Instruct patient to consume plenty of milk and dairy products during therapy. • Refer patient to dietitian for help in meal planning and preparation. • As appropriate, review all other significant and life-threatening adverse reactions and interactions, especially those related to the drugs, tests, and foods mentioned above. cal·ci·um car·bon·ateSee also: calcite. calcium carbonateHomeopathyCalc carb, see there. Medspeak A simple molecule (CaCO3) which is used topically as an astringent and orally as antacid, and as a dietary supplement to prevent osteoporosis and reduce calcium loss in cancer patients. calcium carbonateChalk. A drug used in the treatment of OSTEOPOROSIS. Brand names of preparations containing calcium carbonate are Adcal, Cacit, Calceos and·ci·um car·bon·ate(kalsē-ŭm kahrbŏ-nāt)See also: calcite Synonym(s): chalk. See CACO3 calcium carbonate
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