Acronym | Definition |
CVD➣Cerebrovascular Disease |
CVD➣Chemical Vapor Deposition |
CVD➣Cardiovascular Disease |
CVD➣Countervailing Duty (International Trade) |
CVD➣Chef Vom Dienst (German: Chief of Service) |
CVD➣Congressional Visits Day |
CVD➣Camp Verde (Amtrak station code; Camp Verde, AZ) |
CVD➣Compact Video Disc |
CVD➣Card Verification Data |
CVD➣China Video Disc |
CVD➣Card Verification Digits |
CVD➣Crystal Violet Dye (biological stain) |
CVD➣Callendar-Van Dusen (equation) |
CVD➣Comité Villageois de Développement (French: Village Development Committee) |
CVD➣Centralized Virtual Desktop |
CVD➣Center for Voting and Democracy |
CVD➣Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure (technology policy; Microsoft) |
CVD➣Cercle de la Voile de Dakar (French sailing association) |
CVD➣Cognitive Visual Dysfunction |
CVD➣Cambodian Vision in Development |
CVD➣Come Volevasi Dimostrare |
CVD➣Centrum Voor Dienstverlening |
CVD➣Casper Van Dien (actor) |
CVD➣Constant Velocity Drive |
CVD➣Carte Virtuelle Dynamique (French: Dynamic Virtual Card) |
CVD➣Cold Vacuum Drying |
CVD➣Centralized Virtual Device |
CVD➣Continuous Variable Discharge |
CVD➣Compact Video Disk |
CVD➣Clear Voice Detection |
CVD➣Civil District Court |
CVD➣Chinese Video Disk |
CVD➣Card Verification Device |
CVD➣Convention and Visitor Development |
CVD➣Castro Valley DeMolay (International Order of DeMolay) |
CVD➣Centrum Voor Didactiek |
CVD➣Car Vs. Driver (band) |
CVD➣Color Vision Deviant |
CVD➣Cab View Driver (train driving simulation) |
CVD➣Cardiac Valvular Dysplasia, X-Linked |
CVD➣Consumer Value Direct |
CVD➣Code View Debugger |
CVD➣Continuous-Valued Digits |
CVD➣Cavity Drain |
CVD➣Communication Value Development |
CVD➣Central Ventilatory Dysfunction |
CVD➣Controlled, Fluidized Bed, Vapor Deposition |
CVD➣Core Value Dossier (healthcare treatment strategy tool) |
CVD➣Consonant Vowel Digraph (linguistics) |