Beliaev, Dmitrii

Beliaev, Dmitrii Konstantinovich


Born July 4 (17), 1917, in the village of Protasovo, Kostroma Oblast. Soviet biologist; academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1964).

In 1938, Beliaev graduated from the Ivanov Agricultural Institute. During the years 1939–41 and 1946–58 he worked at the Scientific Research Institute of Fur Farming. Since 1959 he has been the director of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Division of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. His primary work has been in general biology, genetics, and the theory of evolution and animal selection. He worked out the genetic fundamentals for the selection of fur-bearing animals and originated the methods for the hereditary restructuring of the reproductive function in wild animals that have been domesticated. He has devoted a number of articles to the problems of photoperiodism in animals; he discovered the influence of the aftereffect of light on the reproductive function of animals.


“O nekotorykh problemakh korreliativnoi izmechivosti i ikh znachenii dlia teorii evoliutsii i selektsii zhivotnykh.” Izv. Sibir-skogo otdeleniia AN SSSR, 1962, no. 10.
“Povedenie i vosproizvoditel’naia funktsiia zhivotnykh.” (In three parts.) Biull. Moskovskogo obshchestva ispytateleiprirody, 1964, vol. 69, issues 3 and 4; 1967, vol. 72, issue 5.