Bast Crops, Institute of

Bast Crops, Institute of


(full name, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Bast Crops), organized in 1931 in the city of Glukhov, Sumy Oblast, Ukrainian SSR; it had its origin in the Zonal Experiment Station for Textile Crops. It was called the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Hemp from 1931 to 1944 but was given its present name in 1944 after it merged with the Institute of New Bast Crops.

The institute coordinates the research on hemp and kenaf carried on by the experimental and teaching establishments of the USSR. As of 1972 it included the following: a department of the genetics, selection, and seed production of hemp, as well as departments of agricultural techniques and plant protection, mechanization, economics, technology and standardization, and seed production of grain crops; it also had agricultural chemistry, plant physiology, and control and technological analysis laboratories. The institute manages an experimental farm and the Zolotonosha Base Station for Hemp in the city of Zolotonosha, Cherkassy Oblast, Ukrainian SSR. The following hemp varieties bred by the institute have been regionalized: Iuzhnaia Sozrevaiushchaia 6, Iuzhnaia Sozrevaiushchaia 9, and Odnodomnaia Iuzhnosozrevaiushchaia (IuSO-1). The institute has a graduate program for resident and correspondence students. It publishes Trudy (Transactions; since 1933). It also publishes (since 1959) topical collections of scientific articles.