

单词 bastard


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B0107300 (băs′tərd)n.1. Offensive A person born to parents not married to each other.2. Slang a. A person considered to be mean or contemptible.b. A person, especially one considered to be unfortunate: "crumbling shacks where some poor bastard had tried to raise a family" (Tom Clancy).3. Something that is of irregular, inferior, or dubious origin.adj.1. Offensive Born to parents not married to each other.2. Not genuine; spurious: a bastard style of architecture.3. Resembling a known kind or species but not truly such.
[Middle English, from Old French, probably of Germanic origin; akin to Old Frisian bōst, marriage.]
bas′tard·ly adj.


(ˈbɑːstəd; ˈbæs-) n1. informal offensive an obnoxious or despicable person2. informal often jocular a person, esp a man: lucky bastard. 3. informal something extremely difficult or unpleasant: that job is a real bastard. 4. old-fashioned or offensive a person born of unmarried parents; an illegitimate baby, child, or adult5. something irregular, abnormal, or inferior6. (Breeds) a hybrid, esp an accidental or inferior oneadj (prenominal) 7. old-fashioned or offensive illegitimate by birth8. irregular, abnormal, or inferior in shape, size, or appearance9. resembling a specified thing, but not actually being such: a bastard cedar. 10. counterfeit; spurious[C13: from Old French bastart, perhaps from bast in the phrase fils de bast son of the packsaddle (that is, of an unlawful union and not the marriage bed), from Medieval Latin bastum packsaddle, of uncertain origin] ˈbastardly adj


(ˈbæs tərd)

n. 1. a person born of unmarried parents; an illegitimate child. 2. a mean, despicable person. 3. something spurious or inferior. adj. 4. illegitimate in birth. 5. made or done in imitation; spurious; false: bastard emeralds. 6. of abnormal or irregular shape or size. [1250–1300; Middle English < Anglo-French; Medieval Latin bastardus, probably < Germanic *bāst-] bas′tard•ly, adj.
Noun1.bastard - insulting terms of address for people who are stupid or irritating or ridiculousdickhead, mother fucker, motherfucker, prick, asshole, son of a bitch, whoreson, cocksucker, SOB, shitdirty word, vulgarism, obscenity, smut, filth - an offensive or indecent word or phrasedisagreeable person, unpleasant person - a person who is not pleasant or agreeable
2.bastard - the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parentsbastard - the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parentsby-blow, illegitimate, illegitimate child, love child, whoresonoffspring, progeny, issue - the immediate descendants of a person; "she was the mother of many offspring"; "he died without issue"
3.bastard - derogatory term for a variation that is not genuinebastard - derogatory term for a variation that is not genuine; something irregular or inferior or of dubious origin; "the architecture was a kind of bastard suggesting Gothic but not true Gothic"mongrelvariation - an artifact that deviates from a norm or standard; "he patented a variation on the sandal"
Adj.1.bastard - fraudulent; having a misleading appearancebogus, fake, phoney, phonycounterfeit, imitative - not genuine; imitating something superior; "counterfeit emotion"; "counterfeit money"; "counterfeit works of art"; "a counterfeit prince"


noun1. (Informal, offensive) rogue, criminal, sharper, fraud, cheat, devil, crook (informal), villain, charlatan, rascal, profligate, scoundrel, con man (informal), scally (Northwest English dialect), fraudster, wretch (slang), swindler, libertine, knave (archaic), ne'er-do-well, reprobate, scumbag, miscreant, scamp, malefactor, blackguard, evildoer, grifter (slang, chiefly U.S. & Canad.), rapscallion, caitiff (archaic), skelm (S. African) I don't trust the bastard.2. illegitimate child, love child, by-blow (archaic), natural child, child born out of wedlock, whoreson (archaic) He was a bastard, disowned by his father.3. (Informal, offensive) nuisance, pain, bore, drag (informal), bother, headache (informal), pest, irritation, gall, annoyance, aggravation, pain in the neck (informal), pain in the arse (taboo informal), vexation Life can be a real bastard at times.adjective1. illegitimate, fatherless, born out of wedlock, misbegotten (literary), born on the wrong side of the blanket, baseborn his bastard son


adjectiveBorn to parents who are not married to each other:baseborn, illegitimate, misbegotten, natural, spurious, unlawful.


(ˈbaːstəd) noun a child born of parents not married to each other. 私生子 私生子 adjectivea bastard son. 私生的 私生的


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rat bastard

An extremely despicable, untrustworthy, immoral person. I took Charlie in because his sister begged me to help him out, but that rat bastard robbed me while I was sleeping! There's no way I'm trusting a rat bastard like that to run my company.See also: bastard, rat


n. a really wretched or despised person. (Rude and derogatory.) Stay away from Albert, he’s a real rat-bastard when he’s drunk.


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person born out of wedlock whose legal status is illegitimacy. In civil lawcivil law,
as used in this article, a modern legal system based upon Roman law, as distinguished from common law. Civil law is based on written legal codes, a hallmark of the Roman legal system, in which disputes were settled by reference to a written legal code arrived at
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 countries and in about half the states of the United States, the union of the parents in marriage after birth makes the child legitimate. It is presumed that any child born to a married woman, or within competent time after termination of the marriage, is the child of her husband. If, however, it can be proved that it was physically impossible for the husband to have been the father (e.g., because of nonaccess to the wife), he may bring action to establish the illegitimacy of the child. Unlike civil law, which granted bastards certain rights, English common lawcommon law,
system of law that prevails in England and in countries colonized by England. The name is derived from the medieval theory that the law administered by the king's courts represented the common custom of the realm, as opposed to the custom of local jurisdiction that
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 treated them almost as persons outside the law and left their care to poorhouses. At common law bastards have no right to inherit property from their mother or father except by specific designation (e.g., in a will). In the mid-20th cent. their condition has been much improved by statute. Discrimination against children born out of wedlock is now subject to constitutional limitation under the provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment. For the status of children born to annulled marriages, see nullity of marriagenullity of marriage,
in law, an unlawful marriage that is either void or voidable because of conditions existing at the time of the marriage. A bigamous or incestuous marriage, for example, is void, and there is no need to bring a suit to obtain a decree declaring it void.
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; husband and wifehusband and wife,
the legal aspects of the married state (for the sociological aspects, see marriage). The Marriage Contract

Marriage is a contractual relationship between a man and a woman that vests the parties with a new legal status.
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. See also legitimationlegitimation,
act of giving the status of legitimacy to a child whose parents were not married at the time the child was born. This is generally accomplished by the subsequent marriage of the parents.
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A nonstandard item; one of irregular or abnormal size or shape or of inferior quality.


a hybrid, esp an accidental or inferior one


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(1) Born out of wedlock; illegitimate.
(2) Not genuine; adulterated; ersatz.
noun A popular term for an extremely unpleasant, rude and/or malicious person.


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obsolete legal term for an illegitimate child born out of wedlock. See ILLEGITIMACY.

BASTARD. A word derived from bas or bast, signifying abject, low, base; and aerd, nature. Minshew, Co. Lit. 244; a. Enfant de bas, a child of low birth. Dupin. According to Blackstone, 1 Com. 454, a bastard in the law sense of the word, is a person not only begotten, but born out of lawful matrimony. This definition does not appear to be complete, inasmuch as it does not embrace the case of a person who is the issue of an illicit connection, during the coverture of his mother. The common law, says the Mirror, only taketh him to be a son whom the marriage proveth to be so. Horne's Mirror, c. 2, Sec. 7; see Glanv. lib 8, cap. 13 Bract. 63, a. b.; 2 Salk. 427;, 8 East, 204. A bastard may be perhaps defined to be one who is born of an illicit union, and before the lawful marriage of his parents.
2. A man is a bastard if born, first) before the marriage of his parents; but although he may have been begotten while his parents were single, yet if they afterwards marry, and he is born during the coverture, he is legitimate. 1 Bl. Com. 455, 6. Secondly, if born during the coverture, under circumstances which render it impossible that the husband of his mother can be his father. 6 Binn. 283; 1 Browne's R. Appx. xlvii.; 4 T. R. 356; Str. 940 Id. 51 8 East, 193; Hardin's R. 479. It seems by the Gardner peerage case, reported by Dennis Le Marebant, esquire, that strong moral improbability that the husband is not the father, is sufficient to bastardize the issue. Bac. Ab. tit. Bastardy, A, last ed. Thirdly, if born beyond a competent time after the coverture has determined. Stark. Ev. part 4, p. 221, n. a Co. Litt. 123, b, by Hargrave & Butler in the note. See Gestation.
3. The principal right which bastard children have, is that of maintenance from their parents. 1 Bl. Com. 458; Code Civ. of Lo. 254 to 262. To protect the public from their support, the law compels the putative father to maintain his bastard children. See Bastardy; Putative father.
4. Considered as nullius filius, a bastard has no inheritable blood in him, and therefore no estate can descend. to him; but he may take by testament, if properly described, after he has obtained a name by reputation. 1 Rop. Lew. 76, 266; Com. Dig. Descent, C, l2; Ie. Bastard, E; Co. Lit. 123, a; Id. 3, a; 1 T. R. 96 Doug. 548 3 Dana, R. 233; 4 Pick. R. 93; 4 Desaus. 434. But this hard rule has been somewhat mitigated in some of the states, where, by statute, various inheritable qualities have been conferred upon bastards. See 5 Conn. 228; 1 Dev. Eq. R. 345; 2 Root, 280; 5 Wheat.. 207; 3 H. & M. 229, n; 5 Call. 143; 3 Dana, 233.
5. Bastards can acquire the rights of legitimate children only by an act of the legislature. 1 Bl. Com. 460; 4 Inst. 36.
6. By the laws of Louisiana, a bastard is one who is born of an illicit union. Civ. Code of Lo. art. 27, 199. There are two sorts of illegitimate children; first, those who are born of two persons, who, at the moment such children were conceived, might have legally contracted marriage with each other; and, secondly, those who are born from persons, to whose marriage there existed at the time, some legal impediment. Id. art. 200. An adulterous bastard is one produced by an unlawful connexion between two persons, who, at the time he was conceived, were, either of them, or both, connected by marriage with some other person or persons. Id. art. 201. Incestuous bastards are those who are produced by the illegal connexion of two persons who are relations within the degrees prohibited by law. Id. art. 202.
7. Bastards, generally speaking, belong to no family, and have no relations; accordingly they are not subject to paternal authority, even when they have been acknowledged. See 11 East, 7, n. Nevertheless, fathers and mothers owe alimony. to their children when they are in need. Id. art. 254, 256. Alimony is due to bastards, though they be adulterous or incestuous, by the mother and her ascendants. Id. art. 262.
8. Children born out of marriage, except those who are born from an incestuous or adulterous connexion, may be legitimated by the subsequent marriage of their father and mother, whenever the latter have legally acknowledged them for their children, either before the marriage or by the contract of marriage itself. Every other mode of legitimating children is abolished. Id. art. 217. Legitimation may even be extended to deceased children who have left issue, and in that ease, it enures to the benefit of that issue. Id. art. 218. Children legitimated by a subsequent marriage, have the same rights as if born during the marriage. Id. art. 219. See, generally, Vin. Abr. Bastards Bac. Abr. Bastard; Com. Dig. Bastard; Metc. & Perk. Dig. h. t.; the various other American Digests, h. t.; Harr. Dig. h. t.; 1 Bl. Com. 454 to 460; Co. Litt. 3, b.; Bouv. Inst. Index, h. t., And Access; Bastardy; Gestation; Natural Children.


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BASTARDBeing Accomplished at Selfish Tasks And Rotten Deeds :-)


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  • all
  • noun
  • adj

Synonyms for bastard

noun rogue


  • rogue
  • criminal
  • sharper
  • fraud
  • cheat
  • devil
  • crook
  • villain
  • charlatan
  • rascal
  • profligate
  • scoundrel
  • con man
  • scally
  • fraudster
  • wretch
  • swindler
  • libertine
  • knave
  • ne'er-do-well
  • reprobate
  • scumbag
  • miscreant
  • scamp
  • malefactor
  • blackguard
  • evildoer
  • grifter
  • rapscallion
  • caitiff
  • skelm

noun illegitimate child


  • illegitimate child
  • love child
  • by-blow
  • natural child
  • child born out of wedlock
  • whoreson

noun nuisance


  • nuisance
  • pain
  • bore
  • drag
  • bother
  • headache
  • pest
  • irritation
  • gall
  • annoyance
  • aggravation
  • pain in the neck
  • pain in the arse
  • vexation

adj illegitimate


  • illegitimate
  • fatherless
  • born out of wedlock
  • misbegotten
  • born on the wrong side of the blanket
  • baseborn

Synonyms for bastard

adj born to parents who are not married to each other


  • baseborn
  • illegitimate
  • misbegotten
  • natural
  • spurious
  • unlawful

Synonyms for bastard

noun insulting terms of address for people who are stupid or irritating or ridiculous


  • dickhead
  • mother fucker
  • motherfucker
  • prick
  • asshole
  • son of a bitch
  • whoreson
  • cocksucker
  • SOB
  • shit

Related Words

  • dirty word
  • vulgarism
  • obscenity
  • smut
  • filth
  • disagreeable person
  • unpleasant person

noun the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents


  • by-blow
  • illegitimate
  • illegitimate child
  • love child
  • whoreson

Related Words

  • offspring
  • progeny
  • issue

noun derogatory term for a variation that is not genuine


  • mongrel

Related Words

  • variation

adj fraudulent


  • bogus
  • fake
  • phoney
  • phony

Related Words

  • counterfeit
  • imitative




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