

单词 alc






Abbreviation for:
absolute lymphocyte count
alcoholic liver cirrhosis
alkali-extractable light chain
alternate level of care (see there)
alternate lifestyle checklist
alternate lifestyle companion
alternative level of care
amoebaless life cycle (microbiology)
anaplastic large cell
anterior lens capsule
approximate lethal concentration
argon laser coagulation
assisted living center
atypical lymphoid cell
avian leukosis complex
axiolinguocervical Dentistry


 1. Alcohol.2. Alternate level of care, see there.


ALCAlliance (Amtrak station code; Alliance, OH)
ALCAmérica Latina y el Caribe
ALCAsian Leopard Cat
ALCAir Logistics Center
ALCAutomatic Level Control
ALCAssisted Living Community (various locations)
ALCAlternative Learning Center
ALCAssisted Living Concepts Inc (Menomonee Falls, WI)
ALCActive Learning Classroom (various schools)
ALCAgricultural Land Commission (British Columbia, Canada)
ALCArea Learning Center (various locations)
ALCAccredited Land Consultant
ALCa la carte
ALCAtonement Lutheran Church (various locations)
ALCAmerican Language Center (Karachi, Pakistan)
ALCAlternate Level of Care (clinical designation)
ALCArea under the Learning Curve (mathematics)
ALCAviation Learning Center (various organizations)
ALCAdult Learning Centre
ALCAsset Life Cycle (Topeka, KS)
ALCAdobe Live Cycle
ALCApplication Load Certificate
ALCAnalog Leased Circuit
ALCAutomatic Lighting Control
ALCArithmetic and Logic Circuits
ALCAdvanced Lightweight Coupe
ALCAddress Latch Control
ALCAutomatic Library Control
ALCArbitration Lost Capture
ALCAssembly Language Coding
ALCAdobe License Center
ALCAsci Linux Cluster
ALCArchive Log Accelerator
ALCAsian Languages & Cultures (University of California, Los Angeles)
ALCApostolic Lutheran Church (various locations)
ALCAging Life Course
ALCAsynchronous Layered Coding
ALCAtlantic Lottery Corporation
ALCAtlantic Lottery Corporation (Canada)
ALCAmerican Lutheran Church (now merged with Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)
ALCAdirondack League Club (New York)
ALCArkansas Legislative Council
ALCAsian Law Caucus
ALCApplied Language Centre (various locations)
ALCA Law Corporation
ALCAgency Location Code
ALCArab League Countries
ALCAbsolute Lymphocyte Count
ALCAcademic Learning Compact (various organizations)
ALCAcademic Learning Center
ALCAutomatic Light Control
ALCAmerican Land Conservancy
ALCAir Force Logistics Command
ALCAutoclaved Lightweight Concrete
ALCAlien Labor Certification
ALCAdvanced Life Cycle
ALCAmerican Legal Consortium
ALCAdventures in Language & Culture (Harpswell, ME)
ALCAdvanced Lighting Control (switches)
ALCAxial Length Change (stents; cardiology)
ALCArmy Legal Corps
ALCAnimal Law Coalition
ALCAgricultural Land Classification (Australia and UK)
ALCAmerican Loggers Council
ALCAIDS/Life Cycle (California)
ALCAdvanced Leaders Course (US Army)
ALCAustralian Landing Craft
ALCAir Logistics Command
ALCAcquisition Life Cycle
ALCAutomatic Load Control
ALCAdobe Licensing Center (software sales)
ALCAlicante, Spain - Alicante (Airport Code)
ALCAfrican Laser Centre
ALCAirline Link Control
ALCAmerican Literacy Council
ALCAlumni Leaders Conference (Ohio State University)
ALCAdelphi Laboratory Center
ALCAscent Logic Corporation
ALCAccounting Legend Code
ALCAbundant Life Center
ALCAdaptation Layer Controller
ALCAssistant Labour Commissioner (India)
ALCAbington Lacrosse Club (Abington, PA)
ALCApplication Limiting Constituent
ALCAutomatic Leveling Control
ALCAmerican LaMancha Club (Hawkins, Wisconsin)
ALCAnindilyakwa Land Council (statutory authority representing Aboriginal land ownesr of Groote Eylandt)
ALCAmerican Livestock Connection
ALCAga Light Centrum (Polish: Aga Light Center)
ALCAgency Logistics Center
ALCAssembler Language Code
ALCAssignment Limitation Code
ALCAssociation of Liberal Councillors (Great Britain, now ALDC)
ALCAbraham Lincoln Centre
ALCBaird's Slickhead (FAO fish species code)
ALCAltered Level of Consciousness
ALCAmerican Liberty Currency
ALCAuthorized Learning Center
ALCAbsorber-Lined Chamber
ALCAlsace Lorraine Conduite (French driving school)
ALCAssembler Language Coding
ALCA Last Concern (band)
ALCAccueil Loisirs Culture (French recreational association)
ALCAdditional Liability Company
ALCAmicale Laïque des Couëts (French athletic club)
ALCAdult Literacy Class
ALCAdvanced Land Combat
ALCAugmented Landing Site
ALCATM Line Card
ALCAmerican Lancia Club
ALCArithmetic Logic Circuit
ALCAssociated Logging Contractors, Inc. (Couer d'Alene, Idaho)
ALCAccess Line Charge
ALCAdvanced Leadership Conference
ALCArmy Logistics Center
ALCAcceptable Level of Competence
ALCAdaptive Line Controller
ALCAdministration and Logistics Center
ALCAlternate Logistic Support Analysis Control Number
ALCAvian Leukosis Complex
ALCAutomatic Leveling Circuit
ALCAlerts Committee
ALCArea Logistics Command
ALCAmerican Lamb Council (Englewood, CO)
ALCAir Logistics Coordinator
ALCAgape Link Collection (website)
ALCChief Aviation Electronicsman (discontinued Naval Rating)
ALCAuthorized Linear Combination
ALCAuxiliary Lamp Circuit
ALCAnalog Loop Carrier
ALCAir Lift Circulator
ALCAutomatic Lane Controller
ALCAuto Level Converter
ALCAlarm Control Subsystem
ALCAlternative Local Carrier
ALCAmicale Laïque de Crosne (French cultural association)
ALCAlternative Lifestyle Companion




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