释义 |
antigenemia [an″tĭ-jĕ-ne´me-ah] the presence of antigen, such as antigen" >hepatitis B surface antigen, in the blood.an·ti·ge·ne·mi·a (an'ti-jĕ-nē'mē-ă), Persistence of antigen in circulating blood; for example, HBs-antigenemia (presence of hepatitis B virus surface antigen in blood serum). [antigen + G. haima, blood] an·ti·ge·ne·mi·a (an'ti-jĕ-nē'mē-ă) Persistence of antigen in circulating blood, such as HBs-antigenemia (presence of hepatitis B virus surface antigen in serum). Synonym(s): antigenaemia. [antigen + G. haima, blood] |