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an·ti·feb·rile A0339000 (ăn′tē-fĕb′rəl, -fē′brəl, -brīl′, ăn′tī-)adj. Capable of reducing fever; antipyretic.n. An agent that reduces fever.antifebrile (ˌæntɪˈfiːbraɪl) adj (Medicine) reducing fever; antipyreticn (Pharmacology) obsolete an antifebrile agent or drugEncyclopediaSeeantipyreticantifebrileenUK
antipyretic [an″te-, an″ti-pi-ret´ik] 1. effective against fever" >fever; called also antifebrile.2. something having this effect, such as a cold pack, aspirin, or quinine; antipyretic drugs dilate the blood vessels near the surface of the skin, thereby allowing more blood to flow through the skin, where it can be cooled by the air. An antipyretic can also increase perspiration, the evaporation of which cools the body. Called also febricide and febrifuge.an·ti·py·ret·ic (an'tē-pī-ret'ik), 1. Reducing fever. Synonym(s): antifebrile, febrifugal2. An agent that reduces fever (for example, acetaminophen, aspirin). Synonym(s): febrifuge [anti- + G. pyretos, fever] antifebrile (ăn′tē-fĕb′rəl, -fē′brəl, -brīl′, ăn′tī-)adj. Capable of reducing fever; antipyretic.n. An agent that reduces fever.an·ti·py·ret·ic (an'tē-pī-ret'ik) 1. Reducing fever. Synonym(s): antifebrile. 2. An agent that reduces fever (e.g., aspirin). [anti- + G. pyretos, fever]an·ti·py·ret·ic (an'tē-pī-ret'ik) 1. Reducing fever. Synonym(s): antifebrile, febrifugal. 2. An agent that reduces fever (e.g., acetaminophen, aspirin). [anti- + G. pyretos, fever] |