

单词 asap



abbr. as soon as possible


(ˈeɪ sæp)
adv. without delay; promptly. [1985–90; from A.S.A.P.]

A.S.A.P. or a.s.a.p.,

as soon as possible.


As soon as possible
Adv.1.ASAP - as soon as possibleASAP - as soon as possible 

asap, ASAP

(ˌei es ei ˈpi) abbreviation as soon as possible. 馬上,儘快(縮寫) 马上,尽快(缩写)





Acronym for “as soon as possible.” See under PDQ.



(chat)As soon as possible.



FDAspeak Administrative systems automation project.
Neurology Areawide Stroke Awareness Program
(1) AcetylSalicylic Acid Persantine study.
2) Antioxidant Supplementation in Atherosclerosis Prevention A trial studying the effect of vitamins E and C on progression of carotid atherosclerosis, especially in men and smokers.
Conclusion Intima-media thickening of the common carotid artery was greatest in placebo patients and least in patients receiving vitamins C and E.
(3) Atorvastatin vs Simvastatin on Atherosclerosis Progression A trial that asked whether high-dose atorvastatin slows the progression of atherosclerosis in patients with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia more than conventional dose simvastatin.
Conclusion The reduction in intima-media thickness, and LDL-cholesterol was greater with atorvastatin (i.e., high-dose atorvastatin was better).
(4) Azimilide Supraventricular Arrhythmia Program A combined analysis of 3 clinical trials studying the effects of azimilide/Stedicor® for managing patients with atrial fibrillation or flutter, who were in sinus rhythm at randomisation.
Conclusion Patients displayed a stunning example of a dose-response curve. The 125 mg dose of azimilide increased the time to arrhythmia recurrence by >7-fold from 17 days (placebo) to 130 days (azilimide, p=0.002).


As soon as possible A generic term for a level of urgency less urgent than 'stat' Cardiology A clinical trial–Azimilide Supraventricular Arrhythmia Program–on the efficacy of daily azimilide/Stedicor® for managing A Fib and other supraventricular arrhythmias. See ALIVE.

Patient discussion about ASAP

Q. can pregnant women fly in airplanes? Please reply me asap. Thank You. My wife is having the symptoms of pregnancy. We have planned to go on a tour to London. I have a doubt; can pregnant women fly in airplanes? Please reply me asap. Thank You.A. If you have a normal, healthy pregnancy, it can be perfectly safe to fly during most of it. Discuss your trip plans with your doctor or midwife, however, before booking your flight. In certain high-risk cases, your healthcare provider may advise you to stay close to home throughout your pregnancy.
You may find that your second trimester — weeks 14 to 27 — is a perfect time to fly. Once you're past the first trimester, in all likelihood your morning sickness will be behind you, your energy levels will be higher, and your chances of miscarriage will be low. However, you shouldn't travel after 36 weeks.
in early pregnancy, you'd better consult with your ob-gyn doctor first.

More discussions about ASAP


ASAPAs Soon As Possible
ASAPArmy Substance Abuse Program
ASAPAlways Strive and Prosper
ASAPAviation Safety Action Program
ASAPAlliance of Security Analysis Professionals
ASAPAs Simple As Possible
ASAPAIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific (est. 1990)
ASAPAs Small As Possible
ASAPAmerican Society of Administrative Professionals (Portland, ME)
ASAPAs Sustainable as Possible
ASAPAs Soon As Paid (sales)
ASAPAs Short As Possible
ASAPAgent System Architectures and Platforms
ASAPAsus Accelerated Propeller
ASAPApplication Specific Access Profile
ASAPApplication Specific Systems Architectures and Processors
ASAPApplication Assessment and Planning Package
ASAPAny Service Any Port
ASAPAerospace Safety Advisory Panel (NASA)
ASAPAs Safe As Possible
ASAPAggregate Server Access Protocol
ASAPAlcohol Safety Action Program
ASAPAssociation of Strategic Alliance Professionals (Canton, MA)
ASAPAlways Say A Prayer
ASAPAgroecology/Sustainable Agriculture Program
ASAPAny Service, Any Port
ASAPAs Soon As Practical
ASAPAmerican Syringomyelia Alliance Project
ASAPAlaska Stand Alone Pipeline (est. 2010)
ASAPAustralian Science Archives Project
ASAPAdditional Skill Acquisition Program (various organizations)
ASAPAfter School Activities Program
ASAPAmerican Society for Automation in Pharmacy
ASAPAs Scared as Possible
ASAPAutomated Standard Application for Payment (US Treasury Department)
ASAPAs Slow As Possible
ASAPAtypical Small Acinar Proliferation
ASAPAutomated Scheduling, Optimisation and Planning (University of Nottingham, UK)
ASAPAutomatic Switching And Processing
ASAPAmerican Society for Action on Pain
ASAPAcademic Strategic Alliances Program
ASAPAmerican Society for Adolescent Psychiatry
ASAPARIANE Structure for Auxiliary Payloads
ASAPAutomated Shipboard Aerological Programme
ASAPAsperger's Support for Adolescents Plus (est. 2006)
ASAPAdvanced Sensor Applications Program (US DoD)
ASAPAfter School Academic Program
ASAPAdrian Smith and Project (band)
ASAPAfter Sales Assistance Portal
ASAPAdvertising Specialties and Promotions (Walnut Creek, CA)
ASAPAmerican Society of Architectural Perspectivists
ASAPAlcohol Substance Abuse Program
ASAPAlcoholism and Substance Abuse Providers of New York State (also seen as ASAPNYS)
ASAPAnywhere Secure Access Policy (Aventail)
ASAPAeronautical Services and Procedures (Slovakia)
ASAPAging Service Access Point
ASAPAviation Safety Action Partnership
ASAPAuditors Sharing Audit Programs (AuditNet)
ASAPAfter School Assistance Program
ASAPAutomatic Service Activation Program
ASAPAdaptive Sampling and Analysis Program
ASAPAssociation of Social Alarms Providers (UK)
ASAPAs Stupid As Possible
ASAPAlternative Support Apparatus (rescue vehicle based on Polaris 6x6)
ASAPAdvanced Strategic Art Program
ASAPampullary, seminal vesicle, and prostatic
ASAPAmerican Society of Adults with Pseudo-Obstruction
ASAPApplication-Specific Systems Architecture and Processors
ASAPAdvanced System Analysis Program (software from Breault Research Inc.; Tucson, AZ)
ASAPAll Sports All Polarized (Native Eyewear sunglasses company)
ASAPAssociation de Sauvegarde et d'Accueil des Perroquets
ASAPAkita Support and Placement (rescue group; California)
ASAPApplication Service Access Point
ASAPAutomated Staffing Application Program (USDA Forest Service)
ASAPAdvocates for Sexual Assault Prevention
ASAPAudio Service America Productions
ASAPAct Swiftly Awesome Pachyderm (Dr Seuss' story Horton Hears a Who)
ASAPAmateur Screenplays Amateur Productions (Brokport, New York)
ASAPAdvanced Systems and Products
ASAPApplied Securities Analysis Program
ASAPArmy Scientific Advisory Panel
ASAPArmy Streamlined Acquisition Process
ASAPAnarchist Skins and Punks
ASAPAsian Shelter and Advocacy Project
ASAPAlarm Severity Assignment Profile (Alcatel)
ASAPAdvanced Scientific Array Processor
ASAPAlways Stop and Pray
ASAPAerospace Safety Automation Program
ASAPAdvanced Survivability Assessment Program (naval ship design)
ASAPAIDS and Substance Abuse Prevention
ASAPAutomatic Self Allocating Processors (Convex)
ASAPArizona Student Achievement Program
ASAPAgricultural Sciences Advisory Panel
ASAPAdvanced Symbolic ATE Programming
ASAPA Simplified Asset (disposal) Procedure
ASAPAdvanced Surfaces and Processes, Inc.
ASAPAfter September, April Possibly
ASAPAccelerated Situational Awareness Prototype
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ASAPAccelerated Systems Applications and Products (data processing)
ASAPArmy Streamlined Acquisition Program
ASAPAutomated Standardized Administrative Program (US Marine Corps)
ASAPAfter School Attention Program
ASAPAntisubmarine Attack Plotter
ASAPAeronautics and Space Access Page (NASA)
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ASAPAlcohol Servers Awareness Program
ASAPAlliance for Sustainable Application Products
ASAPAvionics Sensor Adaptive Planner
ASAPAviation Safety Analysis Program
ASAPA Stupid Acting Person (Dilbert comic strip)
ASAPAggressor Space Applications Project
ASAPAlways Safe, Always Prepared (Texas Petrochemicals LP safety slogan)
ASAPArchitecture Simulation Analysis Platform
ASAPAll Substance Abuse Providers
ASAPAutomated Statistical Analysis Program
ASAPAdministrative Services Automation Program
ASAPAcquisitions Strategies and Plans
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ASAPAlabama Substance Abuse Program
ASAPAmerican Society of Advertising and Promotion
ASAPAdministrative Services Automation Project
ASAPArea Studies Advanced Program (US Air Force study abroad program)
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ASAPAdministrative Support/Advancing Productivity
ASAPASEAN Student Action Project
ASAPAirplane Safety Awareness Process
ASAPAgent Services Alliance Program (Lucent/Nec/Nortel)
ASAPAutomatic Standard Application Package (Sprint)
ASAPAny Subscriber's Access Point (Advanced Fiber Communications)
ASAPAutomated Support Activity Program
ASAPAnd Sink A Pint




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