Barguzin Range

Barguzin Range


a mountain range in Transbaikalia, stretching along the northeast coast of Lake Baikal from Chivyrkuiskii Bay to the upper Angara River in the Buriat ASSR. The range is 280 km long, with an average elevation of 2,000 m (the highest is 2,840 m). The range is composed of Upper Proterozoic granites and crystalline schists. The range has sharp, rocky peaks and steep inaccessible slopes which are cut by gorges and cirques. On the western slopes there are pine-larch and fir-cedar taigas up to 1,200–1,400 m; above this are sparse forests with stunted cedar thickets and mountain tundras with areas of alpine meadows. On the eastern slopes up to an elevation of 1,400–1,800 m, larch taiga predominates. Mineral springs are also found. The Barguzin Preserve is located within the limits of the range.