acidophil adenoma

ac·i·do·phil ad·e·no·ma

a tumor of the adenohypophysis in which cell cytoplasm stains with acid dyes; often growth but not invariably produces hormone. Synonym(s): eosinophil adenoma

ac·i·do·phil ad·e·no·ma

(ă-sid'ŏ-fil ad'ĕ-nō'mă) A tumor of the adenohypophysis in which cell cytoplasm stains with acid dyes; often growth-hormone producing.
Synonym(s): eosinophil adenoma.

ac·i·do·phil ad·e·no·ma

(ă-sid'ŏ-fil ad'ĕ-nō'mă) A lesion with cells that have have an affinity for and stain with an acidic dye (e.g., eosin).
Synonym(s): eosinophil adenoma.