Albright-Hadorn syndrome

Albright-Hadorn syndrome

Periodic paralysis type I, MIM 170400; this obsolete eponym dignified the finding of periodic paralysis type I in a background of renal tubular acidosis.


Fuller, U.S. physician, 1900-1969. Albright disease - Synonym(s): McCune-Albright syndromeAlbright-Hadorn syndrome - softening and bending of bones associated with abnormally small concentration of potassium in blood.Albright hereditary osteodystrophy - an inherited form of hyperparathyroidism associated with ectopic calcification and ossification and skeletal defects. Synonym(s): Albright syndrome (1)Albright syndrome - (1) Synonym(s): Albright hereditary osteodystrophy - (2) Synonym(s): McCune-Albright syndromeAlbright IV syndrome - Synonym(s): Martin-Albright syndromeAlbright synovectomyForbes-Albright syndrome - see under Forbes, Anne PMartin-Albright syndrome - see under Martin, August EMcCune-Albright syndrome - see under McCune


W., Swiss physician. Albright-Hadorn syndrome - see under Albright