

单词 accommodation



A0042200 (ə-kŏm′ə-dā′shən)n.1. The act of accommodating or the state of being accommodated; adjustment.2. Something that meets a need; a convenience.3. accommodationsa. Room and board; lodgings.b. A seat, compartment, or room on a public vehicle.4. Reconciliation or settlement of opposing views.5. Physiology The automatic adjustment in the focal length of the lens of the eye to permit retinal focus of images of objects at varying distances.6. A financial favor, such as a loan.


(əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃən) n1. lodging or board and lodging2. adjustment, as of differences or to new circumstances; adaptation, settlement, or reconciliation3. something fulfilling a need, want, etc; convenience or facility4. (Physiology) physiol the automatic or voluntary adjustment of the shape of the lens of the eye for far or near vision5. willingness to help or oblige6. (Banking & Finance) commerce a loan, usually made as an act of favour by a bank before formal credit arrangements are agreed


(əˌkɒm əˈdeɪ ʃən)

n. 1. the act of accommodating; the state or process of being accommodated; adaptation. 2. adjustment of differences; reconciliation. 3. a process of mutual adaptation between persons or social groups, usu. achieved by eliminating or reducing hostility. 4. anything that supplies a need, want, convenience, etc. 5. Usu., accommodations. a. lodging. b. food and lodging. c. a seat, berth, etc., on a train, plane, or other public vehicle. 6. readiness to aid others; obligingness. 7. a loan. 8. the automatic adjustment by which the eye adapts itself for distinct vision at different distances. [1595–1605; < Latin] ac•com`mo•da′tion•al, adj.


(ə-kŏm′ə-dā′shən) The adjustment in the focal length of the lens of the eye. Accommodation permits images at different distances to be focused on the retina.


Accommodation is where you live or stay, especially when you are on holiday or when you are staying somewhere for a short amount of time. In British English, accommodation is an uncountable noun. Don't talk about 'accommodations' or 'an accommodation'.

There is plenty of student accommodation in Edinburgh.We booked our flights and accommodation three months before our holiday.

Speakers of American English usually talk about accommodations.

The hotel provides cheap accommodations and good food.

Be Careful!
Don't talk about 'an accommodation' in either British English or American English. Don't say, for example, 'I'm looking for an accommodation near the city centre'. Say 'I'm looking for accommodation near the city centre' or in American English, 'I'm looking for accommodations near the city centre'.


The eye’s ability to change the convexity of its lens in order to focus on objects at different distances.
Noun1.accommodation - making or becoming suitableaccommodation - making or becoming suitable; adjusting to circumstancesadjustment, fittingreadjustment - the act of adjusting again (to changed circumstances)domestication - accommodation to domestic life; "her explorer husband resisted all her attempts at domestication"habituation - a general accommodation to unchanging environmental conditionsbetterment, improvement, advance - a change for the better; progress in developmentshakedown - initial adjustments to improve the functioning or the efficiency and to bring to a more satisfactory state; "the new industry's economic shakedown"
2.accommodation - a settlement of differencesaccommodation - a settlement of differences; "they reached an accommodation with Japan"settlement - a conclusive resolution of a matter and disposition of itmodus vivendi - a temporary accommodation of a disagreement between parties pending a permanent settlementcompromise - an accommodation in which both sides make concessions; "the newly elected congressmen rejected a compromise because they considered it `business as usual'"
3.accommodation - in the theories of Jean Piaget: the modification of internal representations in order to accommodate a changing knowledge of realitydevelopmental learning - learning that takes place as a normal part of cognitive development
4.accommodation - living quarters provided for public convenienceaccommodation - living quarters provided for public convenience; "overnight accommodations are available"cabin class, economy class, second class - a class of accommodations on a ship or train or plane that are less expensive than first class accommodationsfirst class - the most expensive accommodations on a ship or train or planeliving quarters, quarters - housing available for people to live in; "he found quarters for his family"; "I visited his bachelor quarters"lodging house, rooming house - a house where rooms are rentedstabling - accommodation for animals (especially for horses)steerage - the cheapest accommodations on a passenger shiptourist class, third class - inexpensive accommodations on a ship or train
5.accommodation - the act of providing something (lodging or seat or food) to meet a needaccommodation - the act of providing something (lodging or seat or food) to meet a needservice - the performance of duties by a waiter or servant; "that restaurant has excellent service"assist, assistance, help, aid - the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose; "he gave me an assist with the housework"; "could not walk without assistance"; "rescue party went to their aid"; "offered his help in unloading"
6.accommodation - (physiology) the automatic adjustment in focal length of the natural lens of the eyeaccommodation - (physiology) the automatic adjustment in focal length of the natural lens of the eyemodification, adjustment, alteration - the act of making something different (as e.g. the size of a garment)physiology - the branch of the biological sciences dealing with the functioning of organisms


noun1. housing, homes, houses, board, quartering, quarters, digs (Brit. informal), shelter, sheltering, lodging(s), dwellings The government is to provide accommodation for 3000 homeless people.2. space, places, seats, room Some trains carry bicycles, but accommodation is restricted.3. adaptation, change, settlement, compromise, composition, adjustment, transformation, reconciliation, compliance, modification, alteration, conformity, makeover Religions have to make accommodations with larger political structures.


noun1. The act of making suitable to an end or the condition of being made suitable to an end:adaptation, adaption, adjustment, conformation.2. A settlement of differences through mutual concession:arrangement, compromise, give-and-take, medium, settlement.Law: composition.


(əˈkomədeit) verb1. to find or be a place for. The house could accommodate two families. 容納 容纳2. to oblige. They did their best to accommodate him by carrying out his wishes. 迎合 使满足acˈcommodating adjective obliging; helpful. 迎合的,順應的 与人方便的,善于适应新环境的 acˌcommoˈdation noun1. room(s) in a house or hotel in which to live, especially for a short time. It is difficult to find accommodation in London in August. 住宿處 住宿处2. space for something. There is accommodation for your car behind the hotel. 容納處 (提供)地方





Physiol the automatic or voluntary adjustment of the shape of the lens of the eye for far or near vision


  1. (in race relations) a process in which ethnic groups adjust to each other's existence and coexist without necessarily resolving underlying differences and conflicts (compare ASSIMILATION).
  2. (more generally, e.g. in politics or in domestic life) any individual or group behaviour of the above kind.
  3. (as used by the CHICAGO SCHOOL, e.g. PARK and Burgess, 1921) a fundamental social process, analogous to biological adaptation, by which societies achieve adjustment to 4 (in PIEGET's theory of CHILD DEVELOPMENT) one of the mechanisms by which development from one stage to the next is achieved. See ASSIMILATION AND ACCOMMODATION.



a term used in biology and medicine, similar to “adaptation.” The term is traditionally used in the three phrases “accommodation of the eye,” “physiological accommodation,” and “histological accommodation.”

Accommodation of the eye is adaptation of the eye in order to obtain clear vision of objects at various distances. It is achieved by a change in the refractive power of the optical system, which leads to the focusing of the image on the retina. In fish the eye is constructed for close vision, and accommodation is achieved by the rearward displacement of the spherical crystalline lens. In amphibians and reptiles the eye at rest is constructed for distant vision, and accommodation is achieved by the forward movement of the crystalline lens. In birds, mammals, and humans accommodation is achieved by a change in the curvature of the crystalline lens. Accommodation is performed by the accommodation muscles and is possible within certain limits—that is, when the object is at a particular distance from the eye within the field between the points of close and distant vision.

When the intraocular, so-called accommodation muscles contract, the ligaments are relaxed and the crystalline lens suspended on them becomes more protuberant. An increase in the curvature of the crystalline lens leads to a stronger refraction, in consequence of which it becomes possible for the eye to focus the light rays emanating from closely placed objects on the retina and to see them clearly.

The physical factor of crystalline lens elasticity also enters into eye accommodation. In humans the ability of the accommodation muscles to contract and the elasticity of the crystalline lens may change because of a number of conditions. Accommodation is most highly developed in children. With age, elasticity of the crystalline lens diminishes, the ability to see close objects decreases, and so-called senile vision, or presbyopia, develops. Signs of diminution of eye accommodation in persons with normal refraction (emmetropia) appear most commonly between the ages of 40 and 45. When such diminution of eye accommodation occurs, glasses with convex lenses are prescribed for close work (reading and writing) to compensate for the defect. Subsequently, the strength of the eyeglass lenses is gradually increased; by the age of 60 or 70 eye accommodation is usually entirely lost and it is no longer necessary to increase the strength of the eyeglass lenses. Spasm of the accommodation muscles may occur as a result of prolonged eyestrain, bright light, eye trauma, or other factors. Paralysis of these muscles may occur with certain infections and intoxications—for example, syphilis, influenza, diabetes, diphtheria, and botulism. The treatment of spasm or paralysis depends on the cause.

Physiological accommodation, or accommodation of excited muscular or neural tissue, is adaptation to the action of a slowly intensifying stimulus. For example, rapid chilling or a blow may excite an isolated nerve fiber, whereas slow cooling or gradual pressure may not. The same thing is observed with electrical stimulation; with the slow intensification of current, the action potential of a nerve or muscle does not emerge. Such accommodation is associated with active changes in the tissue that raise the threshold of irritability and obstruct the development of excitation.

Histological accommodation, or tissue accommodation, is a change in the forms and relationships of tissue elements (cells) in the process of adaptation to changed conditions. An example of histological accommodation is the transformation of the cubical epithelium of the glomerular capsule into long cylindrical cells when the volume of the glomerulus decreases. However, histological accommodation is often difficult to differentiate from other processes, such as metaplasia and atrophy. The term is therefore merely a formal one.


Dashevskii, A. I. “Refraktsiia i akkomodatsiia glaza.” In Mnogotomnoe rukovodstvo po glaznym bolezniam, vol. 1, book 1. Edited by V. N. Arkhangel’skii. Moscow, 1962.
Fiziologiia cheloveka. Edited by E. B. Babskii. Moscow, 1966.



[ə‚käm·ə′dā·shən] (control systems) Any alteration in a robot's motion in response to the robot's environment; it may be active or passive. (ecology) A population's location within a habitat. (mapping) The limits or range within which a stereo-plotting instrument is capable of operating. (physiology) A process in most vertebrates whereby the focal length of the eye is changed by automatic adjustment of the lens to bring images of objects from various distances into focus on the retina.


accommodationAccommodation: adjustment of eye focus on distant object (left) and close object (right).i. The ability of the human eye to adjust itself to give sharp images for different object distances. It is the process by which the lens of the eye can be flattened to focus distant points on the retina or made more convex to focus nearby points on the retina.
ii. The limits or range within which a stereo-plotting instrument is capable of operating. For example, a multiplex stereograph can adjust or accommodate for small tilts in the projector, ranging from approximately 10° about the X-axis to 20° about the Y-axis.



 [ah-kom″ah-da´shun] adjustment, especially adjustment of the eye for seeing objects at various distances. This is accomplished by the ciliary muscle, which controls the lens of the eye, allowing it to flatten or thicken as is needed for distant or near vision. Flattening and rounding of lens during accommodation.absolute accommodation the accommodation of either eye separately.amplitude of accommodation range of accommodation.histologic accommodation changes in morphology and function of cells following changed conditions.negative accommodation adjustment of the eye for long distances by relaxation of the ciliary muscle.positive accommodation adjustment of the eye for short distances by contraction of the ciliary muscle.


(ă-kom'ŏ-dā'shŭn), 1. The act or state of adjustment or adaptation. 2. In sensorimotor theory, the alteration of schemata or cognitive expectations to conform with experience. [L. ac-commodo, pp. -atus, to adapt, fr. modus, a measure]


(ə-kŏm′ə-dā′shən)n.1. The act of accommodating or the state of being accommodated; adjustment.2. Something that meets a need; a convenience.3. accommodationsa. Room and board; lodgings.b. A seat, compartment, or room on a public vehicle.4. Reconciliation or settlement of opposing views.5. Physiology The automatic adjustment in the focal length of the lens of the eye to permit retinal focus of images of objects at varying distances.6. A financial favor, such as a loan.


Fringe ophthalmology
Near and far focusing—an exercise in Bates vision training, which consists of changing the point of focus from near to far distances multiple times.
Occupational medicine
The changes made by a person or organisation to a workplace to allow a person with disabilities to work there.
The automatic adjustment of the lens curvature, resulting in a change in the focal length of the eye, which brings images of objects from various distances into focus on the retina; the ability of the eye to focus at various distances, by changing lens shape.
In Piaget's theory of cognitive development, the change that occurs in an existing mental scheme or set of schemes due to assimilation of the experience of a new event or object.


Ophthalmology The automatic adjustment of the lens curvature, resulting in a change in the focal length of the eye, which brings images of objects from various distances into focus on the retina; the ability of the eye to focus at various distances, by changing lens shape. See Reasonable accommodations.


(ă-kom'ŏ-dā'shŭn) 1. The act or state of adjustment or adaptation; especially change in the shape of the ocular lens for various focal distances. 2. sensorimotor theory The alteration of schemata or cognitive expectations to conform with experience. 3. The ability of the ciliary muscle to adjust the curvature of the lens, increasing it for near vision and decreasing it for distant vision. [L. ac-commodo, pp. -atus, to adapt, fr. modus, a measure]


(a-kom?a-da'shon) [L. accommodare, to suit],

a; acc

1. Adjustment or adaptation. 2. In ophthalmology, a phenomenon noted in receptors in which continued stimulation fails to elicit a sensation or response.VISUAL ACCOMMODATION3. The adjustment of the eye for various distances whereby it is able to focus the image of an object on the retina by changing the curvature of the lens. In accommodation for near vision, the ciliary muscle contracts, causing increased rounding of the lens, the pupil contracts, and the optic axes converge. These three actions constitute the accommodation reflex. The ability of the eye to accommodate decreases with age. Synonym: ocular accommodation; visual accommodation See: illustration4. In the learning theory of Jean Piaget, the process through which a person's schema of understanding incorporates new experiences that do not fit existing ways of understanding the world. See: adaptation

absolute accommodation

Accommodation of one eye independently of the other.

binocular accommodation

Coordinated accommodation of both eyes jointly.

excessive accommodation

Greater-than-needed accommodation of the eye.

ill-sustained accommodation

Ill-sustained insufficiency.

mechanism accommodation

A method by which curvature of the eye lens is changed in order to focus close objects on the retina.

negative accommodation

Relaxation of the ciliary muscle to adjust for distant vision.

ocular accommodation

Accommodation (3).

positive accommodation

Contraction of the ciliary muscle to adjust for near vision.

reasonable accommodation

An employer's responsibility to provide necessary workplace changes in reassignment, equipment modification, devices, training materials, interpreters, and other adjustments for disabled employees.

relative accommodation

The extent to which accommodation is possible for any specific state of convergence of the eyes.

subnormal accommodation

Insufficient accommodation.

visual accommodation

Accommodation (3).


The automatic process by which the eyes adjust their focus when the gaze is shifted from one point to another at a different distance. Accommodation is achieved by changing the degree of curvature of the internal crystalline lenses of the eyes. In youth, these are naturally elastic and become more curved when the pull on the ligament by which they are suspended is reduced by contraction of the surrounding muscle ring (CILIARY MUSCLE). This allows focusing on near objects. The elasticity of the lenses drops progressively with age so the power of accommodation lessens. In middle age PRESBYOPIA becomes apparent in all but the near-sighted.
AccommodationFig. 5 Accommodation . Accommodation in the vertebrate eye.


  1. the process by which the focus of the eye changes so that both distant and near objects can be made sharp. In fish and amphibians this is achieved by moving the lens backwards and forwards; in birds, reptiles, humans and some other mammals the shape of the lens is changed by the CILIARY MUSCLES. When the ciliary muscles contract, the diameter reduces, the tension lessens on the ligaments and the lens thickens as it rounds off through its own elasticity, enabling the eye to focus on near objects. When the ciliary muscles relax, the diameter increases, the ligaments tighten, and the lens becomes stretched and thin and normally focuses on infinity. See Fig. 5 .
  2. the process by which the sensitivity of excitable membranes to DEPOLARIZATION during a NERVE IMPULSE depends upon the rate at which the current increases. As a result, greater depolarizations are required to produce an ACTION POTENTIAL when the current increases slowly than when there is a sudden increase in current.


The ability of the lens to change its focus from distant to near objects. It is achieved through the action of the ciliary muscles that change the shape of the lens.Mentioned in: Myopia, Presbyopia, Vision Training


Adjustment of the dioptric power of the eye. It is generally involuntary and made to see objects clearly at any distance. In man (and primates), this adjustment is brought about by a change in the shape of the crystalline lens. In some animals this adjustment occurs either as a result of an anteroposterior movement of the crystalline lens, or of an alteration in the curvature of the cornea. See aniso-accommodation; ciliary muscle; accommodative reflex; Fincham's theory; Helmholtz's of accommodation theory.
amplitude of accommodation The maximum amount of accommodation A that the eye can exert. It is expressed in dioptres, as the difference between the far point and the near point measured with respect either to the spectacle plane or the corneal apex or some other reference point. Thus,A = K − Bwhere B is the near point vergence and K is the far point vergence. A is always positive. In the emmetropic eye, A = −B, because the far point is at infinity and K = 0. So, if the near point of an emmetrope is at 25 cm from the spectacle plane, the amplitude of accommodation is equal to − [−1/(25 ✕ 10−2)] = 4 D. The amplitude of accommodation declines from about 14 D at age 10 to about 0.5 D at age 60 (although the measured value is usually higher due to the depth of focus of the eye). See minus lens method; push-up method.
astigmatic accommodation Postulated unequal accommodation along different meridians of the eye attributed to a differential action of the ciliary muscle which would lead to a difference in the curvature of the surfaces of the crystalline lens along different meridians. Syn. meridional accommodation.
closed-loop accommodation Accommodation response to visual stimuli in normal viewing conditions. See open-loop accommodation.
components of accommodation The process of accommodation is assumed to involve four components: reflex, vergence (convergence), proximal and tonic accommodation (also called resting state of accommodation). See convergence accommodation; proximal accommodation; reflex accommodation; resting state of accommodation.
consensual accommodation Accommodation occurring in one eye when the other eye has received the dioptric stimulus.
convergence accommodation 1. Accommodation induced directly by a change in convergence. 2. That component of accommodation induced by the binocular disparity of the retinal images. Syn. vergence accommodation.
correction induced accommodation Ocular accommodation induced when changing from spectacles to contact lenses in near vision. Spectacles induce less accommodation in myopes and more accommodation in hyperopes than that exerted by an emmetrope fixating at a given distance. Contact lenses do not induce any different accommodation than that required for a given distance. Consequently, myopes require more accommodation and hyperopes less accommodation when they transfer from spectacles to contact lenses. However, this change in accommodative demand is accompanied by a similar change in convergence, so that a myope transferring to contact lenses accommodates and converges more than with spectacles and the reverse applies for a hyperope. See correction induced convergence.
far point of accommodation A point in space conjugate with the retina (more specifically the foveola) when the accommodation is relaxed. In emmetropia, the far point is at infinity; in myopia, it is at a finite distance in front of the eye; in hyperopia, it is a virtual point behind the eye (Fig. A4). Syn. far point of the eye; punctum remotum. See far point sphere.
ill-sustained accommodation See accommodative insufficiency.
inert accommodation See accommodative infacility.
insufficiency of accommodation See accommodative insufficiency.
lag of accommodation 1. The amount by which the accommodative response of the eye is less than the dioptric stimulus to accommodation, as usually occurs when fixating an object at near. It could be due to uncorrected hyperopia or indicate accommodative insufficiency. Absence of an accommodative lag may indicate latent hyperopia. Syn. lazy lag of accommodation. 2. The condition occurring in dynamic retinoscopy in which the neutral point is situated further from the eyes than is the retinoscopic target. See hyperopic defocus.
lead of accommodation The amount by which the accommodative response of the eye is greater than the dioptric stimulus to accommodation, as occurs when fixating at distance, in a few individuals. It can also occur as a result of a spasm of accommodation. See myopic defocus.
mechanism of accommodation Process by which the eye focuses onto an object. It does so by contracting the ciliary muscle which releases the tension on the zonular fibres, allowing the elastic lens capsule to increase its curvature, especially that of the front surface. Along with these changes are an increase in the thickness of the lens, a decrease in its equatorial diameter and a reduction in pupil size. The ciliary muscle is controlled by the parasympathetic system, which is triggered by an out of focus retinal image. See convergence accommodation; proximal accommodation; accommodative response; ciliary muscle; near reflex.
meridional accommodation See astigmatic accommodation.
microfluctuations of accommodation Involuntary variations in the contraction of the intraocular muscles responsible for accommodation and resulting in changes of about 0.1-0.5 D with a frequency of 0.5-2.5 Hz.
near point of accommodation The nearest point in space that is conjugate with the foveola when exerting the maximum accommodative effort. Syn. punctum proximum. See push-up method; near point rule; near point sphere; Scheiner's test.
negative accommodation 1. A relaxation of accommodation below the apparent zero level or when shifting from near to distance vision. 2. See relative amplitude of accommodation.
objective accommodation 
Accommodation measured without the subject's judgment. This is accomplished by dynamic retinoscopy, by autorefractors or by visually evoked cortical potentials. The term is sometimes used incorrectly to refer to the amplitude of accommodation without the influence of the depth of focus (e.g. as measured by stigmatoscopy). See subjective accommodation; optometer; evoked cortical potential; dynamic retinoscopy; stigmatoscopy.
ocular accommodation The amplitude of accommodation referred to the front surface of the cornea. Symbol: A. See spectacle accommodation.
open-loop accommodation Accommodative response occurring without the usual stimulus to accommodation, such as a blurred retinal image. In these conditions, the accommodative system of the eye tends to return to its position of rest (or tonic accommodation). Examples: looking at an empty field; looking through a very small artificial pupil (0.5 mm or less). See closed-loop accommodation.
paralysis of accommodation Total or partial loss of accommodation due to paralysis of the ciliary muscle.
positive accommodation Normal accommodation that occurs when looking from a distant to a near object.
proximal accommodation That component of accommodation initiated by the awareness of a near object. Syn. psychic accommodation. See components of accommodation; resting state of accommodation.
psychic accommodation See proximal accommodation.
range of accommodation The linear distance between the far point and the near point. Part of the range of accommodation is virtual in the case of the hypermetrope.
reflex accommodation An adjustment of the refractive state of the eye stimulated by blur and aimed at reducing blur. It may be initiated when the eye changes fixation from far to near, or it may be induced by convergence. The amount of reflex accommodation rarely exceeds 2 D. See components of accommodation; near reflex.
relative amplitude of accommodation The total amount of accommodation which the eye can exert while the convergence of the eyes is fixed. It can be positive (using concave lenses until the image blurs). This is called positive relative accommodation (PRA). It can be negative (using convex lenses until the image blurs). This is negative relative accommodation (NRA). See binocular vision single zone of clear.
reserve accommodation See near addition.
resting state of accommodation The passive state of accommodation of the eye in the absence of a stimulus, i.e. when the eye is either in complete darkness, or looking at a bright empty field. In this condition, the pre-presbyopic eye is usually focused at an intermediate point (about 80 cm on average, although there are large variations), that is, the emmetropic eye becomes myopic. This is presumably due to a balance between a parasympathetic innervation to the circular fibres of the ciliary muscle and a sympathetic innervation to the longitudinal fibres of the ciliary muscle. Thus, the resting state of accommodation would correspond to a position of equilibrium between the two systems. Accommodation from this state to the near point of accommodation would be the response to parasympathetic stimulation; and accommodation from this state to the far point of accommodation would be the response to sympathetic stimulation. Syn. dark accommodation; dark focus (these terms are not strictly synonymous but as they have been found to correlate well, they have been adopted as synonyms); tonic accommodation (TA). See accommodative hysteresis; night myopia; space myopia; tonus; tonic vergence.
spasm of accommodation Involuntary contraction of the ciliary muscle producing excess accommodation. It may be constant, intermittent, unilateral or bilateral. Patients typically complain of blurred distance vision and sometimes changes in perceived size of objects, and discomfort. If the patient is a low hyperope or emmetrope, it will give rise to pseudomyopia (false myopia, hypertonic myopia, spurious myopia). Diagnosis is facilitated by cycloplegic refraction to rule out latent hyperopia. Although spasm of accommodation can be a separate entity, it is often associated with excessive convergence (esotropia) and miosis; this is referred to as spasm of the near reflex. Management includes removal of the primary cause, if possible (e.g. uveitis, or patient taking parasympathomimetic drugs), correction of the underlying refraction, if any, changes in the visual working conditions, positive lenses, accommodative facility exercises and, only rarely, cycloplegics. See accommodative facility; metamor-phopsia.
spectacle accommodation The amplitude of accommodation referred to the spectacle plane. Symbol: As. See ocular accommodation.
subjective accommodation Measurement of the accommodation based on the subject's judgements, such as the push-up or push-out method or the minus lens method. See objective accommodation; minus lens method; push-up method.
tonic accommodation See resting state of accommodation.
vergence accommodation See convergence accommodation.enlarge picture" >Fig. A4 A hypermetropic eye H and a myopic eye M, fixating an object at the far point M Renlarge pictureFig. A4 A hypermetropic eye H and a myopic eye M, fixating an object at the far point MR
Table A2 Mean amplitude of accommodation as a function of age, in Caucasians (the plane of reference is the spectacle plane)
age (years)Duane
(N 5 2000 subjects, push-up method)
(Nh 5 500
subjects, push-out method)

Table A3 Relationship between viewing distance and spectacle and ocular accommodation of a contact lens wearer and of four corrected hyperopes (with thin spectacle lenses).The vertex distance was 14 mm and ocular accommodation was calculated using the formula A = K − B. The ocular accommodation exerted by a contact lens wearer is the same for all refractive errors and equal to that of an emmetrope
distance from
spectacle lens (cm)
spectacle accom. (D)ocular accom. (D) of contact lens wearerocular accom. (D) of
671.491.461.551.64 1.741.86
502.001.952.062.18 2.312.46
402.502.422.552.71 2.873.05
333.032.913.073.25 3.453.67
254.003.794.004.24 4.494.77
205.004.674.945.22 5.545.88
166.255.756.076.42 6.807.22
147.146.496.867.25 7.688.14
128.337.467.888.32 8.819.34

Table A4 Relationship between viewing distance and spectacle and ocular accommodation of a contact lens wearer and of five corrected myopes (with thin spectacle lenses). The vertex distance was 14 mm and ocular accommodation was calculated using the formula A = K − B. The ocular accommodation exerted by a contact lens wearer is the same for all refractive errors and equal to that of an emmetrope
distance from spectacle
lens (cm)
spectacle accom.
ocular accom. (D) of contact lens wearerocular accom. (D) of myopes


(ă-kom'ŏ-dā'shŭn) 1. Act or state of adjustment or adaptation.2. In sensorimotor theory, the alteration of schemata or cognitive expectations to conform with experience. [L. ac-commodo, pp. -atus, to adapt, fr. modus, a measure]

Patient discussion about accommodation

Q. My mind is getting confused now and i am losing on my focus. why is this change happening in me? I am a bipolar for the past 1 year. With the help of the medicines my episodes has come down. My mood is good and stable. Even my friends say that I am well as compared to previous years. But since last week I am not able to sleep well. My disrupted and reduced sleep is making me stressed. I just get 2-3 hours of sleep at night. After my lunch my tiredness starts again. My mind is getting confused now and I am losing on my focus. Why is this change happening in me?A. There are some possibilities that you are not taking your diet in time or your diet may not be nutritious as per your requirements. This can cause you to have increased stress and you can lose your sleep. This may increase the tiredness. Check if you are taking your medicines in right time. This can also be due to your stress. You may have stress due to your lifestyle too, which needs to be well managed in a healthy way. You can meet your doctor, as any increase in stress due to sleep deprivation can raise the chances of episodes to return back.

Q. Is there a verity of exercises i can do with my child that would be helpful for him to be more focused and relaxed and by that help him to control the ADHD effects ? A. from our experience - any activity is a good activity...if he feels hyperactive during homework or studying, going out and running around the block will be enough for him. if he can't do that, doing push ups, situps, and even jumping in one place can help- although i must say it is irritating as hell... try practicing also breathing techniques in order to relax.

More discussions about accommodation



n. 1) a favor done without compensation (pay or consideration), such as a signature guaranteeing payment of a debt, sometimes called an accommodation indorsement. Such accommodation is not the smartest business practice, since the holder of the note can go after the accommodator rather than the debtor and will do so if the accommodator has lots of money or is easier to locate than the debtor. 2) giving in to an adversary on a point to make a deal work. (See: guarantor)

ACCOMMODATION, contracts. An amicable agreement or composition between twocontending parties. It differs from accord and satisfaction, which may takeplace without any difference having existed between the parties.



A form of loan in which the borrower is not obligated to compensate the lender. These loans are often accompanied by accommodation bills, which guarantee that a third party compensates the lender, should the borrower be unable. Troubled financial institutions frequently use accommodation loans.


In the Uniform Commercial Code, a situation in which a seller makes delivery of goods of insufficient quality. The buyer may accept or reject the whole of the goods, but may not accept only a portion. See also: Partial Performance.


  • noun

Synonyms for accommodation

noun housing


  • housing
  • homes
  • houses
  • board
  • quartering
  • quarters
  • digs
  • shelter
  • sheltering
  • lodging(s)
  • dwellings

noun space


  • space
  • places
  • seats
  • room

noun adaptation


  • adaptation
  • change
  • settlement
  • compromise
  • composition
  • adjustment
  • transformation
  • reconciliation
  • compliance
  • modification
  • alteration
  • conformity
  • makeover

Synonyms for accommodation

noun the act of making suitable to an end or the condition of being made suitable to an end


  • adaptation
  • adaption
  • adjustment
  • conformation

noun a settlement of differences through mutual concession


  • arrangement
  • compromise
  • give-and-take
  • medium
  • settlement
  • composition

Synonyms for accommodation

noun making or becoming suitable


  • adjustment
  • fitting

Related Words

  • readjustment
  • domestication
  • habituation
  • betterment
  • improvement
  • advance
  • shakedown

noun a settlement of differences

Related Words

  • settlement
  • modus vivendi
  • compromise

noun in the theories of Jean Piaget: the modification of internal representations in order to accommodate a changing knowledge of reality

Related Words

  • developmental learning

noun living quarters provided for public convenience

Related Words

  • cabin class
  • economy class
  • second class
  • first class
  • living quarters
  • quarters
  • lodging house
  • rooming house
  • stabling
  • steerage
  • tourist class
  • third class

noun the act of providing something (lodging or seat or food) to meet a need

Related Words

  • service
  • assist
  • assistance
  • help
  • aid

noun (physiology) the automatic adjustment in focal length of the natural lens of the eye

Related Words

  • modification
  • adjustment
  • alteration
  • physiology




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