Aeromonas hydrophila

Aer·o·mo·nas hy·dro·ph'i·la

a bacterial species that causes cellulitis, wound infections, acute diarrhea (waterborne and shellfish associated), septicemia, and urinary tract infections in humans. Also causes red leg disease in frogs. The type species of Aeromonas.

Aeromonas hydrophila

A type of species of the genus Aeromonas, which is an opportunistic pathogen that affects children and immunocompromised hosts.
Epidemiology A hydrophila’s natural habitat is water and soil.
Clinical findings Acute diarrhoea, cellulitis, sepsis in immunocompromised hosts.
Pathogenesis Diarrhoea is caused by a cytotoxic enterotoxin.
Management Chloramphenicol, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, newer quinolones, third-generation cephalosporins.