

单词 babesia




B0003500 (bə-bē′zhə)n. A genus of parasitic sporozoans of the family Babesiidae that infect the red blood cells of humans and of animals such as dogs, cattle, and sheep.
[New Latin Babesia, genus name, after Victor Babeş (1854-1926), Romanian bacteriologist.]


(bəˈbiːzɪə) nany of several species of parasite that affect humans and animals, esp Babesia bigemina, which causes fever in cattle


(bəˈbi ʒə, -ʒi ə, -zi ə)

n., pl. -sias. any protozoan of the genus Babesia, certain species of which are parasitic and pathogenic for warm-blooded animals. [< New Latin (1893), after Victor Babeş (1854–1926), Romanian bacteriologist; see -ia]




[bə′bezh·ə] (invertebrate zoology) The type genus of the Babesiidae, a protozoan family containing red blood cell parasites.



(or Piroplasma), a genus of protozoa of the order Piroplasmidae, class Sarcodina. The name was given in 1893 in honor of the Rumanian scholar V. Babe§, who first discovered the parasites in 1888 in the blood of cattle.

Some authors divide the genus Babesia into four genera or subgenera (Piroplasma. Nuttallla, Babesiella, and Franca-iella). Babesias are blood parasites of cattle, horses, sheep, pigs, and dogs. They cause a serious disease, babesiasis. In the erythrocytes of mammals babesias multiply asexually, with each one dividing into two or four organisms. Babesias are transmitted by ticks, in whom they reproduce asexually in the intestinal tract or in the intracellular spaces. In this situation forms of babesias can orginate in the ovule of the tick and remain there multiplying asexually. From such infected tick eggs come larvae with babesias in all their organs and salivary glands. When a tick sucks the blood of a vertebrate animal, babesias are transmitted to that organism and they then become lodged in the erythrocytes. In the USSR there are ten species; the main ones are B. bigemina (Piro-plasma bigeminum), B. bovis (Piroplasma bovis, Babesiella bovis), and B. ovis (Piroplasma ovis, Babesiella ovis).


Dogel’, V. A., Iu. 1. Polianskii, and E. M. Kheisin. Obshchaia
protozoologiia. Moscow-Leningrad, 1962.
Levine, N. D. Protozoan Parasites of Domestic Animals and of Man. Minneapolis, 1961.





 [bah-be″ze-o´sis] a group of tickborne diseases due to infection with protozoa of the genus Babesia, usually seen in wild or domestic animals as a type of anemia; it may spread to humans as a zoonosis" >zoonosis characterized by a malarialike fever with chills, sweats, myalgia, nausea and vomiting, hemolytic anemia, and splenomegaly.


(bă-bē'zē-ă), The economically most important genus of the protozoan family Babesiidae; characterized by multiplication in host red blood cells to form pairs and tetrads; it causes babesiosis (piroplasmosis) in most types of domestic animals, and two species cause disease in splenectomized or normal people; vectors are ixodid or argasid ticks. [V. Babès]


(bə-bē′zhə)n. A genus of parasitic sporozoans of the family Babesiidae that infect the red blood cells of humans and of animals such as dogs, cattle, and sheep.


(1) Genus of parasites (in current use).
(2) An invalid bacterial genus name [Bergey’s]; not in current use.


(bă-bē'zē-ă) The most important genus of the family Babesiidae; characterized by multiplication in host red blood cells to form pairs and tetrads. It causes babesiosis (piroplasmosis) in most types of domestic animals, and two species cause disease in splenectomized or normal people. Vectors are ixodid or argasid ticks. [V. Babès]


Victor, Romanian bacteriologist, 1854-1926. Babès-Ernst bodies - intracellular granules present in many species of bacteria, which possess a strong affinity for nuclear stains. Synonym(s): Babès-Ernst granules; Ernst-Babès granulesBabès-Ernst granules - Synonym(s): Babès-Ernst bodiesBabesia - a protozoan parasite.Babès nodes - collections of lymphocytes in the central nervous system found in rabies.Babès nodules - Synonym(s): Babès tuberclesBabès tubercles - cellular aggregations found around medulla oblongata and spinal ganglia in the presence of rabies or encephalitis. Synonym(s): Babès nodulesErnst-Babès granules - Synonym(s): Babès-Ernst bodies




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