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aerodontia aer·o·don·ti·a (ār-ō-don'shē-ă), The science of the effect of either increased or reduced atmospheric pressure on the teeth. [aero- + G. odous, tooth] aerodontia (1) That branch of dentistry which is concerned with barometric changes on the teeth of those who fly at high altitudes. (2) A branch of dentistry concerned with preventing and treating aerodontalgia.aerodontia (ar″ō-don′ch(ē-)ă) [ aero- + odont- + -ia] The branch of dentistry concerned with the effect of changes in atmospheric pressure on the teeth.aer·o·don·ti·a (ār-ō-don'shē-ă) The science of the effect of either increased or reduced atmospheric pressure on the teeth. [aero- + G. odous, tooth] |