Aerobic Capacity

Aerobic Capacity

The maximum amount of O2 in ml an athlete can use in one minute/kg of body weight. Generally, the higher the VO2max, the higher the anaerobic threshold and the faster an athlete can go in endurance competitions without fatigue. Training can increase VO2max by up to 20%, which can be determined by graded exercise testing. It is only of academic interest as O2 consumption can’t be monitored during workouts.
Factors affecting Size and strength of heart, concentration of oxygen-carriers in blood (haemoglobin), density of capillaries and mitochondria in the muscles, and activity of aerobic enzymes; proper training enhances these factors and increases aerobic capacity.

max·i·mal ox·y·gen con·sump·tion

(mak'si-măl ok'si-jĕn kŏn-sŭmp'shŭn) Highest amount of oxygen a person can consume during maximal exercise of several minutes' duration. It is demonstrated by a leveling off or decline in oxygen consumption with increasing intensity.
Synonym(s): aerobic capacity, aerobic power, maximal oxygen uptake, VO2max.