释义 |
anti-D immunoglobulin RHo(D) im·mune glob·u·lina globulin fraction of antibody, derived from human donors, specific for the most common antigen, Rho(D), of the Rh group; used to prevent Rh-sensitization of an Rh-negative woman after delivery of an Rh-positive fetus. Synonym(s): anti-D immunoglobulin, Rho(D) immunoglobulinanti-D immunoglobulin A preparation of human antibody (immunoglobulin) used to prevent a rhesus-negative woman from forming antibodies to fetal rhesus-positive red blood cells. The immunoglobulin is given after birth, miscarriage or abortion of a rhesus-positive fetus with the object of protecting any subsequent baby against attack by maternal antibodies. The drug is on the WHO official list. A brand name is Partobulin. |