Acronym | Definition |
BIMA➣British Interactive Media Association (UK) |
BIMA➣Berkeley Illinois Maryland Association |
BIMA➣Bilateral Internal Mammary Arteries (cardiology) |
BIMA➣Biometrics Identity Management Agency (US DoD) |
BIMA➣Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Array (radio telescope) |
BIMA➣Bundesanstalt für Immobilien-Aufgaben (German: Federal Agency for Real Estate Tasks) |
BIMA➣Boston Interactive Media Association (now part of Massachusetts Innovation & Technology Exchange) |
BIMA➣Bellingham Independent Music Association |
BIMA➣Berkshire Institute for Music and Arts |
BIMA➣Bermuda Insurance Management Association |
BIMA➣Bulgarian Investment Managers Association (Sofia, Bulgaria) |
BIMA➣Bosanska Islamska Medicinska Asocijacija (Bosnian Medical Association) |
BIMA➣British Isles Majorette Association |
BIMA➣Business Intelligence Methodologies and Applications (ICEBE workshop) |
BIMA➣Babson Investment Management Association |
BIMA➣Beirut Institute for Media Arts (Lebanon) |
BIMA➣Blind Iterative MIMO Algorithm |
BIMA➣Basic Imagery and Mapping Annotations |
BIMA➣Barmore Insurance Marketing Associates |
BIMA➣Bulletin of the Islamic Medical Association (South Africa) |
BIMA➣British Industrial Marketing Association |
BIMA➣Brigham Internal Medicine Ambulatory |