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ECUabbr. European currency unit
é·cu E0034600 (ā-kyo͞o′)n. pl. é·cus (ā-kyo͞o′) Any of various old French coins, especially a silver five-franc piece. [French, from Old French escu, from Latin scūtum, shield (from the shield stamped on the coin); see skei- in Indo-European roots.]ECU (ˈeɪkjuː; sometimes ˈiːˈsiːˈjuː) n acronym for (Currencies) European Currency Unit: a former unit of currency based on the composite value of several different currencies in the European Union and functioning as both the reserve asset and the accounting unit of the European Monetary System; replaced by the euro in 1999
écu (eɪˈkjuː; French eky) n1. (Currencies) any of various former French gold or silver coins2. (Arms & Armour (excluding Firearms)) a small shield[C18: from Old French escu, from Latin scūtum shield]é•cu (eɪˈkyu; Fr. eɪˈkü) n., pl. é•cus (eɪˈkyuz; Fr. eɪˈkü) any of various former gold or silver coins of France, bearing the figure of a shield. [1695–1705; < French; Old French escu < Latin scūtum shield] ECU (eɪˈku or, sometimes, ˈiˈsiˈyu) n., pl. ECU's, ECUs. a monetary unit of account of the European Economic Community: replaced by the euro on January 1, 1999. [E(uropean)C(urrency)U(nit), perhaps with play on écu] ECUAcronym for European Currency Unit, based on the composite value of a number of European Union currencies and functioning as the reserve asset and accounting unit of the European Monetary System.See ECU See ECULegalSeeECU |