

(ĕ`thəlflĕd, ă`thĕlflăd) or


(–flē`də), d. 918, daughter of King Alfred the Great of Wessex and wife of Æthelred, ealdorman [alderman or earl] of Mercia. After her husband's death in 911, she ruled the semi-independent Mercia alone. Campaigning with her brother, Edward the ElderEdward the Elder,
d. 924, king of Wessex (899–924), son and successor of Alfred. He fought with his father against the Danes. At Alfred's death (899) Edward's succession was disputed by his cousin Æthelwold, who allied himself with the Danes of Northumbria and East
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, she helped to recover the Danish-held lands S of the Humber River. After her death Mercia became part of the kingdom of Wessex.