Zvorykin, Konstantin

Zvorykin, Konstantin Alekseevich


Born Mar. 25 (Apr. 6), 1861, in Murom, present-day Vladimir Oblast; died July 7, 1928, in Kiev. Soviet scientist in metals technology. Graduated from the St. Petersburg Technological Institute in 1884 and began teaching at the Kharkov Technological Institute in 1888. Professor at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute from 1898 to 1905 and from 1918 to 1926.

In 1893, Zvorykin published a definitive study on work and forces in the process of cutting metals. He gave a theoretical definition of the position of the shear plane discovered by I. A. Time. He designed a recording hydraulic dynamometer to determine cutting forces. Zvorykin’s works in other fields of science and technology are also well known; he published his Course on Flour-milling in 1894.


Russkie uchenyeosnovopolozhniki nauki o rezanii metallov. Edited by K. P. Panchenko. Moscow, 1952.