释义 |
ZTE(ZTE Corporation, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, www.zte.com.cn, www.zteusa.com) A major Chinese telecom manufacturer. Founded in 1985 as Zhongxing Telecommunications Equipment Corporation, ZTE is a state-owned organization that trades on the Chinese stock exchanges. ZTE sells its products in China, the U.S. and in other countries under the ZTE and third-party brands. See Huawei.ZTE
Acronym | Definition |
ZTE➣Zhong Xing Telecommunication Equipment (China) | ZTE➣Zalaegerszegi Torna Egylet (Hungarian sports club) | ZTE➣Zhejiang Tongxiang Electronic Industry Corporation (China) | ZTE➣Zentrale Technische Einheit (German: Central Technical Unit) | ZTE➣Zeta Tau Epsilon (sorority) |