Zootekhnicheskie I Veterinarnye Sovety Kolkhozam I Sovkhozam
Zootekhnicheskie I Veterinarnye Sovety Kolkhozam I Sovkhozam
(Zootechnical and Veterinary Advice to Kolkhozes and Sovkhozes), a multicolored poster newspaper, an organ of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR. It is published twice a month in Moscow. It was separated in 1955 from the publication Agrotekhsovety kolkhozam (Agrotechnical Advice to Kolkhozes) and appeared under the title Zoovetsovety kolkhozam (Zooveterinary Advice to Kolkhozes). Between 1958 and 1961 it was called Zoovetsovety kolkhozam i sovkhozam. It is intended for nonspecialist workers in animal husbandry, junior veterinary personnel, specialists, and directors of kolkhozes and sovkhozes. It acquaints readers with new methods and devices recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR for breeding, feeding, and maintaining animals and for preventing and treating various diseases. Circulation, 60,000(1971).