释义 |
Zona radiata
(Biol.) | a radiately striated membrane situated next the yolk of an ovum, or separated from it by a very delicate membrane only. |
See also: Zona zona radiata
zona [zo´nah] (L.) 1. zone.2. herpes zoster.zona fascicula´ta the thick middle layer of the adrenal gland.zona glomerulo´sa the outermost layer of the adrenal cortex.zona ophthal´mica herpetic infection of the cornea.zona pellu´cida 1. the transparent, noncellular, secreted layer surrounding an ovum. Zona pellucida. From Applegate, 2000.2. area pellucida.zona radia´ta a zona pellucida exhibiting conspicuous radial striations.zona reticula´ris the innermost layer of the adrenal cortex.zona stria´ta a zona pellucida exhibiting conspicuous striations.zo·na stri·a·tathe thickened cell membrane of the oocyte in forms, such as certain amphibians, in which it appears radially striated under the light microscope; with the electron microscope the striations can be seen to be microvilli. Synonym(s): membrana striata, striated membrane, zona radiataThesaurusSeezona |