Zolotoi Barrow
Zolotoi (Golden) Barrow
(1) A barrow located 5 km from the city of Simferopol’ in the Crimea. Excavated by N. I. Veselovskii in 1900, it contained burials with flexed skeletons of the Bronze Age. Later (in the fifth century B.C.) a Scythian warrior was buried in the mound. The excavation revealed the remains of a shield covered with iron scales, an iron sword inside a leather sheath with gold inlays in the lower part, 180 bronze arrowheads with remains of a wooden quiver covered with a silver leaf, and bronze ornaments, among other objects.
(2) A barrow (21 m high, 240 m in circumference) on the outskirts of the city of Kerch’ in the Crimea. On the outside, the mound was faced with stone. In 1832 three stone crypts, plundered in ancient times, were discovered. The round burial chamber of the main crypt (6.4 m in diameter, 9 m high), built dry in 17 rows of hewn limestone, was topped by a stepped dome. A dromos leading into the chamber (4.75 m long) also had a stepped covering. Zolotoi Barrow dates from the fourth century B.C. and is probably the tomb of a nobleman of the Bosporus State.
Otchet arkheologicheskoi komissii za 1900 god. St. Petersburg, 1902.Artamonov M. I.Sokrovishcha skifskikh kurganov v sobranii Gos. Ermitazha. Prague-Leningrad, 1966.
Gaidukevich V. F.Bosporskoe tsarstvo. Moscow-Leningrad, 1949.
Tsvetaeva G. A.Sokrovishcha prichernomorskikh kurganov. Moscow, 1968.