Zimbabwe African People's Union
Zimbabwe African People’s Union
(ZAPU), an African nationalist party in Southern Rhodesia.
ZAPU was founded in 1961 as the successor to the African National Congress (founded 1957) and the National Democratic Party (1960). It advocated the armed overthrow of the racist regime, the establishment of majority rule, and the implementation of major democratic socioeconomic reforms. In September 1962 the party was banned but continued to function illegally.
ZAPU was led by J. Nkomo. It published the journal Zimbabwe Review. In 1976, ZAPU and the Zimbabwe African National Union, founded in 1963, agreed to form the Patriotic Front of Zimbabwe under the leadership of Nkomo and R. Mugabe. In 1977 the front was recognized by the Organization of African Unity as the sole and genuine representative of the national liberation movement in Southern Rhodesia.