Zidarov, Kamen
Zidarov, Kamen
(pseudonym of Todor Subev Manov). Born Sept. 16, 1902, in the village of Draganovo, Turnovo Okrug (district). Bulgarian writer.
Zidarov was first published in 1918. He was a progressive critic, journalist, and poet (the collections Quiet, 1936;Antenna, 1938;September Songs, 1945). After 1944 he was particularly active in dramaturgy. His plays reveal sociopolitical and moral problems; historical subjects are used for this purpose in Ivan Shishman (1959) and Kaloian (1969), historical and revolutionary subjects in The Tsar’s Favor (1949) and The Roundup (1960), and contemporary subjects in The Tense Years (1955).
Piesi. Sofia, 1963.lzbrani stikhotvoreniia. Sofia, 1955.
In Russian translation:
[“Poems.”] In Antologiia bolgarskoi poezii. Moscow, 1956.