baba ghanouj

Related to baba ghanouj: Baba ghanoush

ba·ba gha·nouj

or ba·ba gha·noush or ba·ba ga·noush B0001750 (bä′bə gə-no͞osh′, -no͞ozh′)n. A purée of roasted eggplant and tahini, flavored with garlic and lemon juice.
[Levantine colloquial Arabic bābā ġannūj : bābā, papa + ġannūj, flirtatious (ġanija, to flirt; see ġng in Semitic roots).]

ba•ba gha•nouj

(or gha•noush)

(ˌbæ bə gəˈnuʒ)

n. a Middle Eastern spread or dip of grilled eggplant puréed with tahini, garlic, and lemon juice. [of uncertain orig.]