(Life), a prerevolutionary Russian literary and political journal. It was published in St. Petersburg from 1897 to 1901 and in London and Geneva in 1902. The actual leader of the journal, which became the organ of legal Marxism, was V. A. Posse. The journal printed the articles of M. I. Tugan-Baranovskii and P. B. Struve. V. I. Lenin contributed two articles to Zhizn’ denouncing revisionism and populist ideology (“Reply to Mr. P. Nezhdanov,” 1899, no. 12; “Capitalism in Agriculture,” 1900, nos. 1–2). The fiction section of the journal featured the works of M. Gorky (Foma Gordeev, Three, Song of the Stormy Petrel). A. P. Chekhov (“In the Ravine”), A. Serafimovich, Skitalets, E. N. Chirikov, I. A. Bunin, N. Garin-Mikhailovskii, and other democratic writers.