Zheliabuzhskii, Ivan Afanasevich

Zheliabuzhskii, Ivan Afanas’evich


Born 1638; died after 1709. Russian statesman, diplomat, and memoirist.

Zheliabuzhskii served in the Stables Office in 1666, in the Kazan Palace Administration in 1680, and as voevoda (military governor) of Chernigov in 1682. From the 1650’s to the 1670’s he carried out various diplomatic missions for the Russian government—for example, he participated in the conclusion of the Truce of Andrussovo of 1667 with Poland. His Notes provide a great deal of factual material about the Russian government from 1682 to 1709, as well as about the lifestyle and habits of the boyar aristocracy and the gentry. His entries for the period 1694–1700 are of special interest.


“Zapiski.” In Zapiski russkikh liudei. St. Petersburg, 1841.