Zheleznodorozhnyi Transport
Zheleznodorozhnyi Transport
(Railroad Transport), a monthly technical and economic journal, an organ of the Ministry of Railroad Communications of the USSR. It has been published in Moscow since 1919. The journal was called Zheleznodorozhnaia tekhnika i ekonomika (Railroad Engineering and Economics) in 1919, Tekhnika i ekonomika putei soobshcheniia (Engineering and Economics of Railroads) from 1920 to 1924, Khoziaistvo i transport (The Economy and Transport) from 1924 to 1925, Transport i khoziaistvo from 1926 to 1930, Sotsialisticheskii transport from 1930 to 1940, and Zheleznodorozhnyi transport since 1941. It is a journal for engineers and technicians and for personnel and innovators in production; it publishes materials on the development of railroads and improvements in organizing operations. Circulation, 18,000 (1972).