

单词 zeugmatography
释义 DictionarySeemagnetic resonance imaging



[‚züg·mə′täg·rə·fē] (medicine) A technique that combines nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy with methods of focusing and scanning radio waves to produce cross-sectional images of the human body that indicate proton density and relaxation times, and distinguish normal tissue from tumors. Also known as nuclear magnetic resonance tomography.



(zūg'mă-tog'ră-fē), Term coined by Lauterbur in 1972 for the joining of a magnetic field and spatially defined radiofrequency field gradients to generate a two-dimensional display of proton density and relaxation times in tissues, the first nuclear magnetic resonance image. [G. zeugma, that which joins together]


(zūg'mă-tog'ră-fē) Term for the joining of a magnetic field and spatially defined radiofrequency field gradients to generate a two-dimensional display of proton density and relaxation times in tissues, the first nuclear magnetic resonance image. [G. zeugma, that which joins together]

Patient discussion about zeugmatography

Q. Anybody to tell me more about MRI scan? had an MRIscan and this has snown adenocarcinoma of endometrium early stage There is no lymphatic involvement but is it possible an MRIscan to miss some tumor?A. MRI is a very effective machine but it has it's limits. it has a great resolution but will not see very small tumors. therefore- it can miss metastasis sometime. but if your adenocarcinoma is in early stage- it might not sent metastasis. they did a biopsy? that can give you some idea what to expect.

Q. Can I have a MRI of the knee if I have hemostatic clips in the brain?(also called aneurysm clips)? A. How about a CAT scan of the knee?, I wonder if it would be an appropriate diagnostic tool, I suspect problems with a lateral meniscus.

Q. i lost a lot of hearing in my ears a couple of years ago,and i had a mri done,the mri said i had ETD, the ETD caused my eushation tube to close,its very uncomfortable,i dont feel the wind or air in my ears no more,i also feel fluid behind my ear drum,i lost a lot of inner hearing,its hard to hear my own voice,and nothing sounds clear,i also feel presser behind my ear drum from the fluid,i went to several doctors for this and i tryed medican and nothing worked,i tryed steriods for the influmation in my ears,that didnt work,i asked many doctors to drain my ears and give me venteling tubes,no doctor will do it,is there anyone out there that has the same ear problem that i do,and the doctors wont give them the tubes?why are the doctors not puting tubes in ears anymore?is it just me.or is everyone getting turned down for the tubes in there ears?i just feel so alone in this does anyone have the same problem and if they do could you share your experence,it would be nice to talk to someone that has the ETD ear problem like me,im in content discomfort,and i dont understand why nobody will help.A. from some reason it did not upload the picture...here it is:

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