Zelen Test

Zelen Test

(religion, spiritualism, and occult)

Of the various attempts to demonstrate astrological influence by statistical means, the large-scale studies by Michel and Françoise Gauquelin have been the most successful. The Gauquelins uncovered correlations between vocation and the position of specific planets, the most significant of which were those between athletes and the position of Mars. The Zelen Test was part of an extended attempt to disprove this Mars effect by The Humanist magazine. The original study had compared the birth data of athletes against statistical probabilities. Confident that an empirical challenge would demolish astrology, The Humanist challenged the Gauquelins to test their findings against a control group of nonathletes. Contrary to the expectations of critics, this test, conducted by Marvin Zelen (hence the name), confirmed the Gauquelins’s original findings.


Curry, Patrick. “Research on the Mars Effect.” Zetetic Scholar 9 (March 1982): 34–53.Melton, J. Gordon, Jerome Clark, and Aidan A. Kelly. New Age Encyclopedia. Detroit: Gale, 1990.Rawlins, Dennis. “sTARBABY.” Fate 34, no. 10 (October 1981): 67–98.