Zdobnov, Nikolai
Zdobnov, Nikolai Vasil’evich
Born Oct. 9 (21), 1888, in Shadrinsk; died May 15, 1942. Soviet bibliographer.
Zdobnov’s bibliographical work began in 1914; he delivered reports at the First (1924) and Second (1926) Bibliographical Congresses and in the Russian Bibliographical Society. His work had great importance in strengthening the role of bibliography in the development of Soviet regional studies, the training of bibliographers, and the development of the historical, theoretical, and methodological fundamentals of bibliography. Zdobnov wrote Fundamentals of Regional Bibliography (1931), Index to Bibliographical Manuals on the Urals (1927), Materials for a Siberian Dictionary of Writers (1927), and Concerning Lenin’s Attitude Toward Bibliography (published in 1958). His most important work is History of Russian Bibliography From Ancient Times to the Beginning of the 20th Century (vols. 1–2, 1944–47; 3rd ed.: History of Russian Bibliography to the Beginning of the 20th Century, 1955). Zdobnov was the initiator and editor of Bibliography of the Far Eastern Region (vols. 1–2, 1935) and Bibliography of Burial Mongolia From 1890 to 1936 (vols. 1–4, 1939–46).