释义 |
zar Ethnomedicine A possessing spirit that is said to afflict people in primitive African cultures. Zars are believed to speak through the host’s mouth, placing him/her in a hypnotic trance, evoking unusual behaviour and leaving temporary amnesia Psychiatry A term used in north African and in Middle Eastern societies for being under the influence of spirits, which may evoke various emotions or dissociative episodes, which are not regarded as pathological in the culturezar (zar) A culture-bound illness specific to Northern Africa and the Middle East in which people are possessed by evil spirits. The disease has characteristics reminiscent of the Western illness known as dissociative identity disorder. ZAR
ZARThe ISO 4217 currency code for the South Africa Rand.ZARGOST 7.67 Latin three-letter geocode for the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The code is used for transactions to and from DRC bank accounts and for international shipping to the DRC. As with all GOST 7.67 codes, it is used primarily in Cyrillic alphabets.ZAR
Acronym | Definition |
ZAR➣South African Rand (currency code) | ZAR➣Democratic Republic of the Congo (ISO Country code) | ZAR➣Zuid-Afrikaanse Republiek (Dutch) | ZAR➣Zero Assumption Recovery | ZAR➣Zone Availability Report | ZAR➣Zeus Acquisition Radar (US Army) | ZAR➣Zuidafrikaanse Rand (South African Rand) | ZAR➣Zone of Artificial Resources (video game) | ZAR➣Zero-G Antenna Range |