Zabel Esaian

Esaian, Zabel


Born in 1878, in Constantinople; died in 1937, in Yerevan. Armenian writer.

Esaian studied in Paris; her works were first published in 1895. In addition to short stories depicting the life of the workers, Esaian wrote the novels In the Waiting Room (1903), Scutari Dusk (1903), False Talents (1905), and Gifted People (1907). She unmasked the criminal policies of Sultan Abdul-Hamid towards the Armenian people and wrote several books full of burning sympathy for Soviet Armenia, including Prometheus Unbound. Arriving in the Armenian SSR in 1934, she was a delegate to the First Ail-Union Congress of Writers in the same year.


[Esayan, Z.] Keghts hancharner. Constantinople, 1909.
Krake shapike. Yerevan, 1934.
Silihtari partemere. Yerevan, 1935.
Erker. Yerevan, 1959.
Barpa Khach’ik. Yerevan, 1966.
In Russian translation:
Ognennaia rubashka: Rasskazy. Moscow, 1936.


Istoriia armianskoi sovetskoi literatury. Moscow, 1966.