Zabaikalskii Rabochii
Zabaikal’skii Rabochii
(Transbaikal Worker) one of the oldest Bolshevik newspapers, now the organ of the Chita Oblast committee of the CPSU and the Chita Oblast soviet of working people’s deputies.
From Dec. 7, 1905, to Mar. 22, 1906, Zabaikal’skii Rabochii was published as the organ of the Chita committee of the RSDLP. Its founder and editor was V. K. Kurnatovskii, and the editorial board included I. V. Babushkin, N. N. Baranskii, M. K. Vetoshkin, and A. A. KostiushkoValiuzhanich. There were eight issues with a circulation of 8,000-10,000. During the Chita Armed Uprising of 1905, Issues 1-5 were published at the government printing office and Issues 6-8 were published underground. The newspaper promoted Leninist ideas and made use of material from the central Bolshevik newspapers. Issue 2 reprinted fromNovaia zhizn’ Lenin’s article entitled “The Dying Autocracy and the New Organs of People’s Power.”
Publication of Zabaikal’skii Rabochii was renewed in March 1917. The newspaper served first as the organ of the Chita committee of the RSDLP (unified), then as the organ of the oblast committee of the RSDLP (unified), and later of the oblast committee of the RSDLP (internationalist). In March 1918 it became the organ of the Transbaikal Committee of the RCP (Bolshevik). Zabaikal’skii Rabochii was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in 1956. Circulation, 130,000(1971).