Yin Fu
Yin Fu
(pseudonym of Hsü Pai-mang). Born June 22, 1909, in Hsienshan district, Chechiang province; died Feb. 7, 1931, in Shanghai. Chinese poet.
Yin Fu, the son of a peasant, studied in Shanghai and also at the University of T’ungchi (1927–29). It was in Shanghai that he first became involved in the revolutionary movement. He participated in a young workers’ movement. From 1930, Yin Fu was also a member of the Chinese League of Leftist Writers and contributed to its publications. In 1931 he and other members of the league were arrested and shot in the Lunghua precinct in Shanghai.
Yin Fu’s poetry appeared in such magazines as T’aiyang (Sun) and Lenin Ch’ingnien (Leninist Youth). From 1925 to 1929 his poetry was predominantly lyrical; from 1929 to 1931, civic and political. Yin Fu also wrote Little Mama (1928–30), which is a collection of stories, notes, and dramas. He was the author of the three collections of translations Soviet Peasants (1928), Soviet Pioneers (1930), and V. I. Lenin on Love (1930). In his romantic poetry, in which the influence of S. Petofi is evident, he combines love lyrics with the call to struggle.