

单词 yellow spot

yellow spot

yellow spot

n. See macula lutea.

yellow spot

n (Anatomy) anatomy another name for macula lutea


(ˈmæk yə lə)

n., pl. -lae (-ˌli) -las. 1. a spot, esp. on the skin. 2. a. an opaque spot on the cornea. b. Also called yellow spot. an irregularly oval, yellow-pigmented area on the central retina containing color-sensitive rods and the central point of sharpest vision. [1350–1400; Middle English < Latin: spot, blemish] mac′u•lar, adj.
Noun1.yellow spot - any of several fungous or viral diseases characterized by yellow spotting on the leavesplant disease - a disease that affects plantstomato streak - disease of a wide range of plants (tomatoes, potatoes, peas) resulting from a mixed infection of potato and tomato mosaic
2.yellow spot - a small yellowish central area of the retina that is rich in cones and that mediates clear detailed visionyellow spot - a small yellowish central area of the retina that is rich in cones and that mediates clear detailed visionmacula lutea, macular area, macularegion, area - a part of an animal that has a special function or is supplied by a given artery or nerve; "in the abdominal region"retina - the innermost light-sensitive membrane covering the back wall of the eyeball; it is continuous with the optic nerve

yellow spot

macula of retina

[TA] an oval area of the sensory retina, 3 × 5 mm, temporal to the optic disc corresponding to the posterior pole of the eye; at its center is the central fovea, which contains only retinal cones. Synonym(s): macula lutea [TA], area centralis, macula retinae, macular area, punctum luteum, Soemmerring spot, yellow spot

yellow spot

n. See macula lutea.


S16-888800 (spot) 1. A small surface area differing in appearance from its surroundings. Synonym: macula2. Randomly collected, as in “spot” urine specimen.

ash-leaf spot

White macules found on the trunk and extremities of persons with tuberous sclerosis.

Bitot spots

See: Bitot spots

blind spot

1. Physiological scotoma situated 15° to the outside of the visual fixation point; the point where the optic nerve enters the eye (optic disk), a region devoid of rods and cones. See: scotoma2. In psychiatry, the inability of an individual to have insight into his or her own personality.

blue spot

Mongolian spot.

Brushfield spot

See: Brushfield spot

cherry-red spot

A red spot occurring on the retina in children with Tay-Sachs disease. Synonym: Tay spot

cold spot

An area on a nuclear medicine scan in which no radioactive tracer is taken up, indicative of nonfunctioning tissue in a gland or other structure.

corneal spot


cotton-wool spot

A tiny infarct in the retina, present in hypertension, diabetes mellitus, bacterial endocarditis, and other diseases.

focal spot

The area on the x-ray tube target that is bombarded with electrons to produce x-radiation.

Fordyce spots

See: Fordyce disease

genital spot

The area on the nasal mucosa that tends to bleed during menstruation. See: vicarious menstruation

hematocystic spot

Any of the focal red marks seen on esophageal varices. They consist of aneurysms of the wall of the dilated blood vessel. Their presence increases the likelihood that the varix may bleed.

histo spots

Scarring of the macula found in those infected with Histoplasma capsulatum.

hot spot

1. An area on the surface of the skin that, when stimulated, experiences a sensation of warmth.2. In a nuclear medicine scan, a region of the image that shows an abnormally high concentration of injected isotope.3. Any location that has been radioactively contaminated.4. . In radiation oncology, a tissue region that is exposed to much more radiation than neighboring tissues.

hypnogenic spot

Hypnogenic zone.

Koplik spot

See: Koplik spot

liver spot

A popular term for a pigmentary skin discoloration, usually in yellow-brown patches. See: Lentigo senilis

milk spot

A dense area of macrophages in the omentum.MONGOLIAN SPOTS

mongolian spot

Any of the blue or mulberry-colored spots usually located in the sacral region. It may be present at birth in Asian, American Indian, black, and Southern European infants and usually disappears during childhood. Synonym: blue spot See: illustration

rose spots

Rose-colored maculae occurring on the abdomen or loins in typhoid fever.

Roth spots

See: Roth spots

ruby spot

Cherry angioma.

shin spots

The colloquial name for necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum. This condition is usually, but not always, associated with diabetes. See: necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum

Soemmering spot

See: Soemmering, Samuel T. von

Tardieu spot

See: Tardieu spot

Tay spot

See: cherry-red spot

Trousseau spots

See: Trousseau, Armand

white spots

Light-colored, elevated areas of various sizes occurring on the ventricular surface of the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve in endocarditis.

yellow spot

Abbreviation: y.s.
Macula (3).

yellow spot


macula lutea

An oval area of the retina 3-5 mm in diameter, with the foveal depression at its centre, slightly below the level of the optic disc and temporal to it (its centre lies 3.5 mm from the edge of the disc). The side wall of the depression slopes gradually towards the centre where the fovea centralis is located and where the best photopic visual acuity is obtained. Around the fovea, the ganglion cells are much more numerous than elsewhere, being arranged in five to seven layers. The outer molecular layer is also thicker than elsewhere and forms the outer fibre layer of Henle and there is a progressive disappearance of rods so that at the foveola only cones are found. The area of the macula lutea is impregnated by a yellow pigment (macular pigment) in the inner layers and for that reason is often called the yellow spot. Syn. area centralis (although that area is considered to be slightly larger, about 5.5 mm in diameter); punctum luteum. See blue field entoptoscope; fovea centralis; macular pigment.

yellow spot

  • noun

Synonyms for yellow spot

noun any of several fungous or viral diseases characterized by yellow spotting on the leaves

Related Words

  • plant disease
  • tomato streak

noun a small yellowish central area of the retina that is rich in cones and that mediates clear detailed vision


  • macula lutea
  • macular area
  • macula

Related Words

  • region
  • area
  • retina




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