Yellow River State Forest

Yellow River State Forest

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Iowa
Location:14 miles southeast of Waukon, off IA 76.
Facilities:Most of the Forest's recreation activities are at its Paint Creek Unit,which has 168 equestrian campsites, Big Paint Creek, Little PaintCreek, 6 miles of stocked trout stream, hiking, snowmobile, andequestrian trails, cross-country ski trails, scenic overlooks, boatramp.
Activities:Camping, picnicking, fishing, hiking, horseback riding, cross-countryskiing, and snowmobiling at Paint Creek Unit; entire forest is open tohunting (except for campgrounds), hiking, and cross-country skiing.
Special Features:The park's 25-mile trail system passes through oak, hickory, and mapleforests and features a view of Paint Creek Valley. The backpack trailat Yellow River was chosen as the best hike in the state.
Address:729 State Forest Rd
Harpers Ferry, IA 52146

Size: 8,503 acres.

See other parks in Iowa.