Yaroslavl Cattle

Yaroslavl Cattle


a breed of dairy cattle developed in the 19th century in Yaroslavl Province by the long-term selection of the most productive local animals.

Yaroslavl cattle have the characteristic structure of dairy cattle: a well-developed skeleton; a deep, elongated body; and large, cup-shaped, glandular udders. The coloration is primarily black. The head is white with black rings around the eyes, and the abdomen and legs are white. White-headed reddish individuals also exist. Bulls weigh 800–900 kg (sometimes to 1,200 kg), and cows 450–550 kg. When fattened intensively young bulls weigh 440–450 kg at 18 months of age. The dressed yield is 60–62 percent. The average milk yield at pedigree farms is 3,500–4,000 kg, and the record yield is 9,267 kg. The fat content of the milk is 4–4.2 percent.

The breed is raised in Yaroslavl, Ivanovo, Kalinin, Vologda, Kostroma, Tiumen’, and other oblasts of the RSFSR.


Kruglov, A. I. Krupnyi rogatyi skot iaroslavskoi porody. Yaroslavl, 1953.
Monoenkov, M. I., and A. S. Vsiakikh. “Puti sovershenstvovaniia iaroslavskoi porody.” In Sovershenstvovanie porod krupnogo rogatogo skota. Moscow, 1966.