


(also Yaghnobs, Iagnobs; self-designation, yagnobi), a small ethnic group of mountain Tadzhiks inhabiting the valley of the Iagnob River and its tributary the Kul’ River in the Tadzhik SSR.

The native language of the Yagnobs, Yagnobi, is used in everyday situations. The majority of the Yagnobs speak Tadzhik, which is the language taught in local schools. To a large extent, the Yagnobs have been absorbed into the Tadzhik population; many have moved to plains regions in newly developed areas. The chief occupations of the Yagnobs are land cultivation and cattle raising. Religious Yagnobs are Sunni Muslims.


Andreev, M. S. Materialy po etnografii Iagnoba: Zapisi 1927–1928 gg. Dushanbe, 1970.